Thanks to Frederic, Yulia, and Hughes for attending the tutors’ meeting on March 16. For everyone else, here are the items that we discussed:

  1. The ALC Math Tutors’ OpenLab site has been redesigned; Professor Poirier discussed with the tutors what else could be added to the site.
  2. During the discussion on the OpenLab site, special emphasis was given to the new MAT 1190 Cheat Sheets which are available for tutors who need a quick introduction or review for some less familiar topics covered in MAT 1190.
  3. Professor Poirier informed the tutors that scoring guides for the MAT 1275 final exam are in development. These guides will be made available to tutors when they are available.
  4. Professor Poirier informed the tutors about plans in the works for re-sequencing lower-level math courses to accommodate for the elimination of MAT 1175.
  5. Tutor observations will be conducted in the next few weeks.

Next tutors’ meeting: Thursday, April 6, 4-5pm.