Students and tutors should be familiar with the CityTech Math Department webpage, which has many resources. On this page, we discuss three of the most valuable resources available there for students and their tutors:

Course Listings

Every math course at CityTech has an official course outline, which functions as a syllabus, homework list, and schedule. While not every instructor follows the course outline exactly, you should be familiar with the topics covered and problems assigned for each course outline. From time to time, an instructor will use an alternate textbook and use an alternate course outline, so you should ask your students whether their instructors are following the standard outline or not. Whether the course outline is the standard one or not, students should have access to it.

Course outlines are available on the Math Department webpage here.

You should also become familiar with how the same topics might be treated differently in different courses. For example, students solve quadratic equations in MAT 0650 and in MAT 1175, but they do not use the quadratic formula in MAT 0650, so you should be helping them with techniques other than that one.

Final Exam Review Sheets

Review sheets are available for final exams in courses that have uniform finals. (These exams are set by the math department, and not by individual instructors. Typically, lower-level courses have uniform finals and upper-level courses do not.) The exercises on the final exam review sheets, together with those listed on the final exam review sheet, should give you a good idea of what students can expect to see on their final exams.

Final exam review sheets are available on the Math Department webpage here.

Free PDF Textbooks

The Math Department currently uses textbooks that are available free online as PDFs in the following courses: