Words can mean many things but a photograph tells so much more. The Boston Photographs by Nora Ephron is an article that talks about the tragic accident that killed a woman during 1975 and the attention it received after images of her dead body were published in an article of the Boston newspaper. It all began when Stanly Forman a photojournalist attempted to capture images that depicted Fire Fighters being brave however due to certain circumstances Forman ended capturing images of a 19 year old woman and her child falling, the woman died with her child surviving the fall. After publishing the images in the newspaper the question began to arise, “Is placing images of corpses ethical? Is it for sensationalism? or is it just a cheap and dirty way to gain attention to one’s work?” When discussing the matter ombudsmen, people who are in charge of moderating content on the behalf of the people  say they have never seen anything like it while on the other hand editors of the post found it to be “intriguing” and found no problems with publishing it. The key point of the article is to debate the power of photojournalism over regular journalism to some extent photojournalism is more powerful than just regular journalism, photos can mean so much and the reaction it causes varies from person to person which makes it that much more valuable. In the end it doesn’t matter if an image is ethical or not as long as it fulfills its purpose of creating the reaction it desires it has accomplished what the photographer set out to do.

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