Author Archives: Huanying,Xu



This article is persuading people to abandon the habit of consuming bottled water and switch to using a reusable water bottle and get water from home. this article also tells us 3 facts about bottled water. 1, the percentage of bottle turn to be recycled and use is only 23 percent. Also to produce the amount of bottle we consume every year can power up 190,000 homes. 2, financially more convince, if you get a reusable bottle and buy a filter at home could save you hundreds dollar every year. 3, better quality, the environmental department has more quality control on our home tap water than drinks company.“ bottled water manufacturers are not required to disclose as much information as municipal water utilities”.  the FDA “does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains.”.

I personally started using reusable many years ago, if everyone start today is not too late. one person change could make hundreds of bottle saved every year.

My audience for this project is everyone. I have ideas for both still life and models. I think my series will be more serious and deep, make people think about it or change their mind after they see the photos. my photo will be both metaphorical and literal. I am thinking to ask Jingyi and Gabriel to be my models, they got such good acting skill. for the lighting, when I shoot on bottled water I would like to use a similar method of shooting glass. using diffuse reflection. if it the negative message I want to make it a dark background or silhouette. For a positive message will use backlit, soft edge, bright field and reflection will be beautiful. For the model shoot, I like to use a front light and Rembrandt light with fill.

idea 1: bottle garbage on the back.

idea 2: beautiful reusable bottle photo shoot.

idea 3: model drinking water with reusable bottle other hand smashing and twisting a bottle.

idea 4: making a reusable bottle as a hero, garbage on the back, with a depth of field.

Ideas may change or come up with a new idea during the shooting process.


The first article by Margie Warrell is saying: there are many things in life that could stress out people, but if you are an optimism type of person you could solve more problem and live happier than those who are pessimism. she also gives 6 tips on how to be more optimistic in life. some of them are exercise, break your comfort zone, avoid hanging out with pessimistic people, see the problem as an opportunity, etc. I think the main audience for this articles are mostly everybody.

The second article by Camille Chatterjee is saying people who have pessimistic personally are more likely to have a higher blood pressure because the way they handle the problem and their anxiety, they are more likely to be stressed out and break down. Also, people live with higher blood would increase the chance of having a heart disease, stroke. therefore pessimistic is bad for health and it’s risk. this article is good for people who have pessimistic personality, this is kind of a warning to them.

Poems, compare and contrast

There are one thing both of these poem share, is they both described a scene as driving a car, and its also a metaphor for different story.

“she’s being brand” has a more exciting mood, and also a bit movement. describing as a man driving a car spinning around in the city with high speed. This is a metaphor of sexual activity, He first describes her as being “Brand-new” which caused him to be “careful of her”. This implies that this girl is a virgin and she’s about to experience the first time with an men who has more experience, so he feels like wants to protect her.he “oiled the universal joint” and “made sure her springs were O.K”. These two metaphors refer to he is being prepare and also taking care of her. this poem finalize their sexual activity by saying that “it was the first ride” and “ we was happy to see how nice she acted right up to the last minute. By communicating that this was “the first ride”, this indicate this is the first time both of them having sex. it has been described as a more sensitive  and careful first time rather than aggressive and hot.

“Coming home, Detroit 1968” in contrast with the first poem, this is more a cold and emotionless. describing a man drive back to a place where he used to live but without too much feeling. he’ see a little boy on the road but he choose to ignore him and drive ahead. “One brown child stares and stares into your frozen eyes until the lights change and you go forward to work.” this he action created an a feeling of disappointment.


Ideas:for the first poem, i am thinking about using red or purple or maybe both lighting , and as two light segment that cross over in the background, i don’t know if its possible. a dark lighting but not high contrast.

the second poem, I want to use high contrast to emphasize the mood, i would like to try using a burned matches with little smoke to put on side or in front of the car to implies that the city of Detroit, there’s a great era just like a burning matches but now only burned ash left, a city that’s dying.

The Botany of Desire & Fresh Direct

In the chapter of ” The Botany of Desire”, the author has tell couple of things. In today, even plants are register and protected by the federal law.Also, in modern Agriculture; chemical fertilizers, pesticides, machinery, and fuel are over use to grow crops, those left harm to our soil and our bodies. Now, the new technology call GMO are made to improve, so our crop could grow faster, bigger, and look better with out using chemical. But nobody knows this new technology will make harm to our body or not if we keep consuming in the future.

For this book cover I had three ideas, I will try two type of lighting, first is close up shoot and with one main light in 45 degree angle from the top to create small shadow on the bottom. the second is one key light and one fill light with 1:1 lighting ratio form the from the side. For photo editing, I will try photoshop a barcode on the potato, a DNA code behind the potato or a needle that are injecting the potato. the placement will be image on the left, type on the right.

Fresh direct

For this ad, I will try both shooting from the top and shooting from the front. The lighting will be close either key light and one fill light with 1:1 lighting ratio or one main light to catch details, I want to minimum the shadow and bring up the texture of my vegetable, water drops are good to show freshness or soil dust is a other things to be try. I am also consider to chop my vegetable in half to show how fresh it is inside. Props like plate and basket are also good to use.

Social Media-addicting or empowering

The social media is a double side thing, it can be bad if people are addicting to it rather than pay attention to what’s happening around them. the other side could be good for spreading positive events like: human right, social problem, justing, civil right etc, people can upload immediately for what happen to them and get public attention to help them solve problem. on other side social media are making young people become addicting to it. The social media apps are design to make people addicting by using psychological human nature. Human likes attention from the others, thats why many people are checking how many likes they had when they had a post. People are also nosy, that’s why many people follows hundred of others and like to check out what’s happening with them, this is human nature for many of us.

I got a few ideas for positive and negative side on social media.

1- I will bring printed emoji and tape them on my models eyes, to show now people are communicate with each other by using emojis not word, which is meaning less for their life. also addiction makes them become emoji person that are mindless.

2- using popular social media icons, tape on models eyes.

3- two people are holding each side of the social media icon, meaning social media makes connection become powerful tool to fight and spread idea.

Headphones ad and hearing loss PSA/ headphones AD

Article Smmary

The article ” heathy hearing champaign” is an call on action article, the purpose is to tell young people to turn down their headphone volume. Because you can lost your hearing by expose to high volume music, high volume sound does kill the sensitive of your hearing transmitter. I think the reason they start this champaign is because more and more people are reported to their doctor having a hearing problem in such a young age. people should pay attention on what they do everyday, and it preventable.

My image solution will be:  have my model wearing a sleep ear bug, close up shoot with the ear and half face. with type solution: this is how your hearing sound like in 10 years, turn down your volume today.


Headphone AD

We decide as a group, we choose Beats by dre headphone. This is a headphone brand that emphasis style, they have many color choice, plus they hired professional musician and athlete to do brand endorsement.their target is young people that want high quality music but want to be stylish at the same time.

My image solution will be: I will ask my model to put color on her face the emphasize color of the headphone, also look enjoy and having fun with with music. Cesar will bring the headphones and Jinyi will be the model.

The High Cost of Poor Health Care

We have read this article in class, before I start to read it, I was assuming this is going to talk about the real problem of the health Care company. The fact is that this article is talking about bad of American’s life style that lead them become sick, and its painful that medical insuren doesn’t do them their job.

what is Utility U and Utopia U ?

After I read the article I lern two new Utility U and Utopia U, this two word have describe the result of what college do to you. The first word Utility U, this word means if you go to college your goal is to develop a skill for you to get a job, this could mean helps you change your social status as worker class move in to middle class. The other word Utopia U means college is a place for you to better understand your self through out the relationship with classmates and teachers, better understand the meaning of life through out knowledge in different academic area.