This article is persuading people to abandon the habit of consuming bottled water and switch to using a reusable water bottle and get water from home. this article also tells us 3 facts about bottled water. 1, the percentage of bottle turn to be recycled and use is only 23 percent. Also to produce the amount of bottle we consume every year can power up 190,000 homes. 2, financially more convince, if you get a reusable bottle and buy a filter at home could save you hundreds dollar every year. 3, better quality, the environmental department has more quality control on our home tap water than drinks company.“ bottled water manufacturers are not required to disclose as much information as municipal water utilities”. the FDA “does not require bottled water companies to disclose to consumers where the water came from, how it has been treated or what contaminants it contains.”.
I personally started using reusable many years ago, if everyone start today is not too late. one person change could make hundreds of bottle saved every year.
My audience for this project is everyone. I have ideas for both still life and models. I think my series will be more serious and deep, make people think about it or change their mind after they see the photos. my photo will be both metaphorical and literal. I am thinking to ask Jingyi and Gabriel to be my models, they got such good acting skill. for the lighting, when I shoot on bottled water I would like to use a similar method of shooting glass. using diffuse reflection. if it the negative message I want to make it a dark background or silhouette. For a positive message will use backlit, soft edge, bright field and reflection will be beautiful. For the model shoot, I like to use a front light and Rembrandt light with fill.
idea 1: bottle garbage on the back.
idea 2: beautiful reusable bottle photo shoot.
idea 3: model drinking water with reusable bottle other hand smashing and twisting a bottle.
idea 4: making a reusable bottle as a hero, garbage on the back, with a depth of field.
Ideas may change or come up with a new idea during the shooting process.