
The first article by Margie Warrell is saying: there are many things in life that could stress out people, but if you are an optimism type of person you could solve more problem and live happier than those who are pessimism. she also gives 6 tips on how to be more optimistic in life. some of them are exercise, break your comfort zone, avoid hanging out with pessimistic people, see the problem as an opportunity, etc. I think the main audience for this articles are mostly everybody.

The second article by Camille Chatterjee is saying people who have pessimistic personally are more likely to have a higher blood pressure because the way they handle the problem and their anxiety, they are more likely to be stressed out and break down. Also, people live with higher blood would increase the chance of having a heart disease, stroke. therefore pessimistic is bad for health and it’s risk. this article is good for people who have pessimistic personality, this is kind of a warning to them.

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