The High Cost of Poor Health Care

It is not new how Americans are dissatisfied with their current health care system. We were witnesses of the battle of powers about repelling the actual health system, known as Obamacare, over the weak proposal for a new health care system that the Trump administration wants to impose to benefit corporations than the American People.

Despite the Americans dissatisfaction, many of the affected people knew that what they already had was better than the new government was offering. On the other hand, the pressure of big pharmaceutical corporations increases adding more “drama” to an already dramatic situation. They reason that its profits, billions of dollars, will be used to develop even better drugs in the future and countries with less health care costs systems benefits from what they do, but no paying the price.

We also witnessed how Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli jacked up the prices of a decades-old drug used to treat AIDS patients and hiked the price of a popular anti-parasitic by more than $700.00 under the false pretense of the cost of researching when in reality, a good chunk of pharmaceutical “research and development” comes from the subsidized labs at universities and the National Institutes of Health.

Many research show that consumers in the United States now pay some of the highest prices in the world for many life-saving drugs. Recent reports show that critical cancer medicines, for example, cost as much as 600 times more in the United States than other countries.

A central tenet of elected officials is to be responsive to the wishes and desires of the public and many scholars agree that public opinion plays an important role in the policy process, part of what Ms. Elliot argues in her essay: “People love to claim that being healthy is more costly but it’s not true when you average out the cost of ill health over a lifetime.”

As she argues, “America has the best triage system in the world.” but also America is paying its lack of prevention. Obesity is a general health problem, the epidemic cuts across racial, economic and even state lines. More than one-third of American adults are obese, around 78 millions of people and the nation future doesn’t look much thinner. “Fast food restaurants cluster in poorer neighborhoods and obese adults eat more fast food than those who are normal weigh.” UC San Francisco 2011.

Beside of health habits, eating healthy and exercise more, Ms. Elliot also states that a good doctor that focus in preventing future illness in a patience is a clue to change America health panoramic.

2 thoughts on “The High Cost of Poor Health Care

  1. rmichals

    What you have written here is well informed and you use evidence to support your opinions but it doesn’t really respond to the assignment. The assignment was to summarize the article and give some image ideas which you do in the other post.

    When you work for a client, the job is to represent the client’s point of view. If you really don’t agree with it or find it immoral than you don’t take that job.

    In this class, I will be asking you to represent the point of view of the various authors that we will read. That is not the same thing as representing your own opinion on a topic.

    You have summarized the article here

    1. Gabriel Flores Post author

      Hello Prof. Michals

      Thank you for your comment. It helped me to understand better the concept of the assignment. I hope that I will do a better job for the next projects. I was a little confuse but now, as you mentioned in class, things are more clear about what you expect and the way we should follow the client’s requests.

      Have a great weekend,

      Gaberiel Flores


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