Final Project Proposal _ Erika Nunez

My final project proposal will be about oppression and women violence. I picked this topic for the reason that I have seem that it is still a big problem in the society, even though we are not mentioning that much nowadays, or sometimes it might seem like it does not exist. People think that oppression or violence has to do with beating them physically, but in reality it is much more deeper than that. women lose their voice and they can’t deal with things by themselves after been oppressed.

My idea has to do with taking portrait pictures of different women holding a white board and then include messages in it to show the real face of the problem. (see sample img #1 below). The other Idea was to make a “campaign” where the portrait will be black and white but the girl will be wearing a pink lipstick and only the lipstick will show its color, like a symbol of power between women. I think it will be a good idea if I will ask some of the boys to do some shots for me with the lipstick. (see sample #2 below).




One thought on “Final Project Proposal _ Erika Nunez

  1. rmichals

    The texts you have selected are definitions of a wide sweeping nature not articles about specific issues. This will make it hard to create strong images instead of just general amorphous ones.

    Try to get the images themselves to make your point and not the labels that you put on them. Strong portraits of women could work for your project. With side light and strong contrast.

    I fail to see how emphasizing red lipstick relates in any way to violence against women. It is fine if you want to do a lipstick ad or pick a make up brand for the project.


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