Optimism/Pessimism by Margie Warrell & Camille Chatterjee

Why optimists are happier, healthier and wealthier.

According to the article “See The Glass Half Full Or Empty? Why Optimists Are Happier, Healthier & Wealthier!” by Margie Warrell, optimism creates opportunity and pessimism kills it. She gave us tips on how to become a better human being in a positive, and optimistic way. The purpose of this article is to show the audience to be more hopeful and be patient for what they are waiting for, such as; a good job, a great car, etc. Also, a research has found that seeing the glass half full not only makes you  happier, it makes you healthier and wealthier.

Sometimes, (especially young adults) and including teenagers think that nothing is worth it. In fact, the audience of this article is directed to the American youth. Considering the purpose of the article the tone is in a motivating way, where it shows us that if we take a positive position in the face of any adversity, being optimistic will bring us better things, along with confidence and self-confidence. The author gives us tactics on how to turn a problem into an opportunity, taking advantage of it in a positive way. This idiom is used to explain how people perceive events and objects. Perception is unique to every individual and is simply one’s interpretation of reality. The phrase “Is the glass half empty or half full” can be understood also as a philosophical question.

A Healthy Look by Camille Chatterjee

This article brings medical facts to us, saying that both Universities and research have shown that people who are pessimistic are more likely to get or develop heart disease, such as high blood pressure, anxiety and stress.


For the first article, I would like to turn black water as a method or form of pessimism and darkness, that glass would be next to a BRIGHT and CLEAN water (which is the optimistic glass) adding a very high contrast to it.

I would also try to get my background black (for the pessimism photo, and white and bright for me optimism photo.

For the second article i would like to use something with facts, or warning people from a medical side, (a doctor tool) or an (stethoscope) that being pessimistic would cause people develop heart diseases.

One thought on “Optimism/Pessimism by Margie Warrell & Camille Chatterjee

  1. rmichals

    The options for photographing glass limit what we can do. Within those restrictions, we can make the whole brighter or darker but controlling contrast is tough.


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