Comparison & Contrast of “She Being Brand by E.E. Cummings and Coming Home, Detroit, 1968 by Phillip Levine.

Comparison & Contrast of “She Being Brand” by E.E. Cummings and Coming Home, Detroit, 1968 by Phillip Levine:


  • The first one, gives another form of imagery for sex : A man going for a “drive” in his new “car”. The poem never mentions sex, but the ambiguous opening makes the reader imagine a woman, and the carefully chosen descriptions and climactic, shuddering finale unambiguously evoke sexual intercourse. The poem is rife with the eccentric punctuation characteristic of Cummings’s poetry, which slows down or speeds up the narrative flow in an interesting, meaningful way. Describes a man driving his car while “the car” is the woman ,and this is a great kind of metaphor because we never see the word “sex” in the poem, however, if we use our critical thinking skills we will be able to find out immediately.
  • E. E. Cummings‟ SHE BEING BRAND is one of the poem which is full of deviations. In this poem Cummings alters the structure of the poem and creates a rhyme scheme unlike traditional poetry. However, as it is clear that deviations used by a poet are not without purpose. It has some hidden meaning which are difficult for beginner-readers to understand. However, theses deviations play a core role to clarify the meaning and theme of the poem. Deviations used by Cumming in the She Being Brand are very important and make him a prominent writer of the existing era. The analyses of deviations are as analyzed below.

    In contrast, Levine’s poem is disturbingly mournful. From the very first stanza he uses the phrase “dirtied with words.” Before today, I was unaware of the racially charged climate in Detroit during this era, but that phrase alone has a very negative connotation. He describes the people who have been displaced by the automobile industry. It is dramatic when readers are able to see the word “fire” on the first paragraph, it makes us think about a chaos or a disaster that has happened, but also mentioning snowstorm provides an idea of a cold and dark place. Seems like for that time, Detroit was a poor city and full of dirt, i think it’s an awesome way to describe misery, poverty, but also a connotation of a wealthy man driving on the streets of Detroit.

    Ideas for shoot on Monday OCT 30th 2017:

    I particularly bought 2 CARS!! according to the era of 1968 and 1927, both cars will play an important role for this exciting project. One is a Cadillac and the other one is FORD.

    The technics that i will be using, i will try to use a Black & White mode, and including some fake smoke, or even a real one if it’s available in our studio on Monday. describing a man driving in a dusty street and lost in his thoughts. The other idea will be with color and using a close-up shot with the car, highlighting the brand and the main idea of the poem.

    I need drama for my pictures, as well as suspense, but also a symbol of poverty.


    Inside of those boxers are my cars!!!

    I’m so excited with this project.

One thought on “Comparison & Contrast of “She Being Brand by E.E. Cummings and Coming Home, Detroit, 1968 by Phillip Levine.

  1. rmichals

    Honestly, I don’t think you need critical thinking skills to understand the ee Cummings poem. You just need to be alive and breathing. I imagine him having a lot of fun writing it, keeping his metaphor while clearly evoking something else.

    I think one does need critical thinking skills to understand the Levine poem however. And you have to know at least a little history. Here the metaphor of a man driving through a city stands for seeing the devastation from both industry and poverty and doing nothing.

    I am excited to see your cars! I am unclear about your image ideas though. Certainly, you can use black and white but I would recommend shooting in color and converting to black and white after shooting. This will give you more control over the tones in the final image.


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