Coming Home/She Being Brand


Coming Home

Levine is projecting how Detroit have transformed from a city that was once a predominantly residential filled with natural habitat and a life that was communal into an industrial landscape of high profile automobile brand factories where the hammering of steel, burnt by touches of fire, have polluted the atmosphere. There you notice the mist created by the breath of hard working men, molded into one resemblance in frigged temperatures, driven by the will of industrialism.

She Being Brand

She Being “Brand”, New. No, don’t Brand Her, she is new to me. New lover, not a “Brand”! But Cummings she is “Brand” and “New”, and is his lover. He loves her so much, enough to be compared a woman. And so, they became intimate, and went on a journey, sharing passion until the end.

Design Concepts

For Cummings “She Being Brand”, probable I will do a full front of a car using broad lights, with no background lighting, with a male figure short in split view lighting to create a sync between the two images.

For Levine’s “Coming Home”, a car becomes visible through the mist with a faded sky line of factories in background. In this short we will manipulate the key and fill light to achieve a scene that resembles a city that changed from home to an industry.

One thought on “Coming Home/She Being Brand

  1. rmichals

    I imagine for the ee Cummings poem the front of the car close to the camera causing some distortion. and maybe with shallow depth of field so the back of the car is out of focus. Help me remember that you want to do this.

    For the Levine poem, I am curious what you will do to indicate the city in the background.


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