Class 13 – Dec 5

Today’s agenda

  • SEO Basics
  • Google Analytics
    (MOE TRACKING CODE – Please paste tracking code befor the close of </head> tag in the document) 

SEO Basics

  1. Indicate page titles by using <title> tags
    • Page title contents are displayed in search results
    • Accurately describe the page’s content
    • Create unique <title> tags for each page
    • Create brief, but descriptive titles
  2. Make use of the  “description” <meta> tag
    • A page’s description <meta> tag give search engines a summary of what the page is about
    • Descriptions <meta> tags are important because the search engine might use them as snippets or blurbs for your pages
    • Accurately summarize the page’s content
    • Use unique descriptions for each page
  3. Improve the structure of your URLs
    • Simple -to-understand URLs will convey content information easily
    • URLs are displayed in search results
    • Create simple directory structure
  4. Make your site easy to navigate
    • The navigation of a website is important in helping visitors quickly find the content they want. It can also help search engines understand what content the webmaster thinks is important.
    • Create a natural flowing hierarchy
    • Use mostly text for navigation
  5. Write better anchor text
    • The anchor text is the clickable text that users will see as a result of a link, and is placed within the anchor tag
      <a href=”…”></a>
    • Choose descriptive text – the anchor you use for a link should provide at least the basic idea of what the page linked to is about
  6. Optimize the use of images
    • Image-related information cab be provided by using the “alt” attribute
    • the content of the “alt” attribute provide information about the picture
    • Use brief text, but descriptive file names and “alt” text
  7. Use heading tags to emphasis important text
    • Heading tags are used to present structure on the page to users.
    • The most important <h1>, and the least importnat <h6>

Example <meta>tags description, keyword and author


Read more Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide – Google

Google Analytics

  • Create an account
  • Fill in the relevant information
  • Click Get Tracking ID
  • Copy the tracking code snippet
    It’s in a box with several lines of JavaScript in it

Example tracking codetracking-code

  • Paste your tracking code into every web page you want to track. Paste it immediately before the closing </head> tag.

If you need to access it the tracking code again:

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics account, and select the Admin tab. From the ACCOUNT and PROPERTY columns, select the property you’re working with. Click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.


Write a list of keywords appropriate for site.
Implement analytic services on final portfolio site.

Export a google analytic reportas a PDF and put into your site folder. for the final class.


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