Author Archives: JArjune

My Best 5

I like this photo because of how it shows two states in time blended into one, showing a passage of time spent thinking. The lights and darks came out really well as well, giving it a good range of color.

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My Best 4

This photo’s figure is notable for its spontaneity and chance and that why I feel it is the best out of the group of pictures. It would have been easy for it to be a formless splash, but instead it … Continue reading

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My Best 3

I consider this picture to be my best today because of the mood the hard shadows and close up create. The direct lighting on the pineapple leads to dramatic fall off, which ends up conveying an overwhelming tension.

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My Best 2

I consider this picture to be my best of the bunch my group took because it makes the most of the inverse square law to maximize falloff and create the dark shadows. The way the light adheres to the curvature … Continue reading

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10/29/14 Response

Ashley Gilbertson’s work is displayed as part of the New York Times Magazine Photographs gallery at the Aperture Foundation. Her photographs are black and white still-life images depicting the bedrooms of what one would assume to be small children. There … Continue reading

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My Best

I feel that this picture is my best because it makes the most use of direct lighting to emphasize a heavy and intense mood. The expression of the subject is reflected in the entire composition.

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Deep Space Reflection

  I chose this picture as my personal best because of the way the lines stretch away to the person standing several yards down the hall. The way he sits in the void of the chair’s space creates an effect … Continue reading

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HW1: Honda

In the case of the Honda FCX Clarity, which is an ecologically conscious vehicle that suffers from a stigma associated with fuel cell-electric vehicles, my goal as art director of a project to showcase the automobile would be to convey … Continue reading

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I chose this photo because of the relationship between the shoes and the rose, which is to juxtapose two things that are seen as beautiful but actually painful to touch. I like the use of lighting to this end, dark … Continue reading

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