Category Archives: Uncategorized


How was the midterm? Easy or difficult? What is your plan for the spring break? If no plan, make a plan now and share with me.

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Today we will have a midterm. But next following week we will have the spring break. Do you have any plan for the break?

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ASME Job search

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Temperature of this classroom is improved. How are you today?

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Create the first particle simulation using this tutorial. Use your first name. If you want to select a wood image, google it and pick up one:

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How we can stop the global warming here in V509, as an engineer?

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Choose another one of the parts in the hand out. Create 3d model using Solidworks or Inventor, import it to Blender. Then render it. (you can assign any materials) Post a link of your picture here.

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Choose one of the parts in the hand out. Create 3d model using Solidworks or Inventor, import it to Blender. Then render it. (you can assign any materials) Post a link of your picture here.

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It was snow today but stops now. How are you today?

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EX04 (1st project)

Design another situation (tableware, table, napkin), create an animation, and render one shot.

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