
Today we will have a midterm. But next following week we will have the spring break. Do you have any plan for the break?

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14 Responses to Day09

  1. I have to take care of personal matters that I have been putting off.

  2. Matthew says:

    Work, gym, food and rest

  3. andi lika says:

    no plans for spring break, just relax.

  4. Kayla Natal says:

    The Navy Yard presentation and a trip to London.

  5. Henry W. Wong says:

    Work Hard, play hard.

  6. Not much plans for spring break for this year

  7. Yuriy says:

    Going to practice in Blender and Solidworks!

  8. Manuel Rosa says:

    not much plans for the break, mostly i am going to relax.

  9. meleha says:

    yes, i planing to learning the animation well that will be on my break but first i need to finish few of my work that needs all of my attention.
    i want to draw some animation and use that in blender. if you have any advance i would love to here it. i also need to make a profilio with all of my work and everything that i have done in college so far.

  10. HI, I do not have any plan yet.

  11. sleep as much as possible.

  12. Mohammed says:

    I am stuck in traffic

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