
How we can stop the global warming here in V509, as an engineer?

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15 Responses to Day07

  1. WENJUNMA says:

    If you have one more fans, i think we can do it. 😀

  2. Henry W. W. says:

    Stop farting!

  3. Go downstairs and turn off the heat.

  4. Alexis Luna says:

    by turning off the heater

  5. Henry W. W. says:

    Specifically, DECC’s carbon footprint tool tells people to stop eating ruminant animals, like cows and sheep, because they release methane through their belches and flatulence. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that scientists say contributes to global warming.

  6. Amadou Goudiaby says:

    stop talking

  7. Turning all electronic devices off.

  8. Fixing the HVAC in the classroom

  9. Manuel Rosa says:

    by opening the door that connect the rooms.

  10. meleha says:

    install a window!! all the heat will be gone!!

  11. meleha says:

    install a window!! all the heat will be gone!!

  12. Yuriy says:

    We may try to fix the HVAC in this room

  13. Mohammed says:

    By laws of Thermodynamics , of course we can.

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