Author Archives: Amelia.A

Meeting Minutes

The Cafeteria

Members: Amelia, Vivian, Yishi


  • Limited Food Choices
  • Unhealthy Foods
  • Conditions
  • Noisiness


  • Open up another counter.
  • Promote a healthier diet alternatives that meet the 5 food groups so that students refrain from indulging in fried foods that are the main attraction in the kitchen.
  • The kitchen and the cafeteria as a whole need to be tended to more frequently because of how quickly it becomes dirty. Enforce students to clean up after themselves using signs and posters.
  • Have the gamer students re-locate to a lounge. This will open up more seats for people who want to eat.







Letter Of Inquiry- Free Arts NYC

1431 Broadway, 7th & 8th Fl
New York, NY 10018-1907


Dear Mr. Funder,

The Free Arts NYC organization provides undeserved children and families with a unique combination of educational arts and mentoring programs that help them to foster the self-confidence and resiliency needed to realize their fullest potential. I am writing to see if you would consider a proposal to expand the employment and counseling services available to these youth.

The need for programs are very crucial due to the fact that only 1 in 3 children live in poverty, only 8% of elementary schools meet state standards for arts education and, over 400,000 children are shut out of after school programs. Recognizing these disadvantages have really promoted a desire for change, but we need your help.

We believe that in order to accomplish this, improvement may come from a person of your expertise, someone who can directly reach out to these youth. To convince them to seek some additional education through our programs offered here at Free Arts NYC. Teens have reported a developed skill in portraiture and fundamental photography techniques. They have developed the capacity to analyze artworks from diverse perspectives. 97% have felt pride in their work, 100% of kids said PACT helped their family learn about working as a team.

I am requesting a donation of $15,000. We are in need of new computer equipment and art supplies. Your donation will give undeserved children the transformative powers of art and the support of caring mentors, growing the sense of possibility in their lives. We appreciate you taking an interest in our organization. Please pay us a personal visit at your convenience.



Daniel Ehrmann





Amelia Ali- Cover Letter

Amelia Ali

109-07 85 Ave

Queens, New York 11418

Phone (646) 402-2569


March 3, 2015


Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in your current job opening for a Desktop Publisher. Please accept my resume for your consideration. With a bachelors degree in Communication Design Management; my reason for wanting to work for Professional Staffing Group is simple-  I believe that your company can benefit from my vision and ability to format and manipulate corporate collateral and financial documents.

Since the time I began my first desktop publishing course, I was convinced of my vocation. Comprehending the ever growing need for continually appealing visuals, I have the capacity to create, develop and format tables, photographs, text and charts in a visually appealing manner. With a profound ability to translate complex concepts with the aid of simple graphical approaches. My expertise in Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Word and Powerpoint are finely tuned as I have worked on them extensively.

My interests in this work along with my experience make a good combination for the eligibility criteria of this position.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Sincerely, Amelia Ali

Enclosure: Resume


Professional Staffing Group  – Job Link






Job Listings (revised)

Job Listings

1) http://www.krop.Com – Creative industry job board and portfolio hosting website used by candidates of all experience levels, and the globe’s most respected creative brands.

2) – is a career website that serves information technology and engineering professionals.

3) http://www.coroflot – was primarily built to create better professional experiences for designers of all backgrounds. They allow designers the opportunity to connect with innovative companies or bringing exposure to design work.

4) – is an exclusive job board for AIGA members. It is the first place where AIGA members turn to find their next opportunity. And a prime place for employers seeking the most qualified designers.

5) – AIGA is a community website for media professionals. It features a job board and various articles that are helpful for those looking to break into the industry. (Or those already in the industry looking to move jobs or find freelance work.)

6) – is an employment website for job listings. The company aggregates job listings from thousands of sites across the Web including job boards, newspaper and classified listings, associations, social networks, content sites and company career sites. It then distributes those jobs on its website as well as social network, blog, and other website partners. Advertisers can gain premium placement across its network through advertising in a pay-per-click (PPC) model.

7) – The job board for web professionals. They’ve helped designers, hackers, and creative pros find work at places like Apple, Facebook, ESPN, Estée Lauuder, and the New York Times.

8) – expands your reach when you post your job. It is instantly distributed across the prestigious and targeted design websites that make up the Design Employment Network.

Amelia Ali Mini-Job Search

1) Photo Intern – Esquire Magazine

2) Production Manager – Calvin Klein Underwear Group

3) Time Assistant Production Manager– Time Magazine Customer Service

4) Production Manager, Everyday With Rachel Ray – Meredith

5) Production Manager– Glamour

6) Print Production Manager– Apple

7) Pre-Press Specialist – Dupli Envelope and Graphics

8) Production Designer, Brides– Condé Nast

9) Print Production Manager- Offset – Digital Printing Company

10) Digital Production Manager – ASK Staffing (Company)

11) Editor, Assistant Photo – National Geographic

12) Production Manager – Maker Media

13) Digital Production Designer – Havas Worldwide Chicago

14) Production Manager – Desktop Publishing – Corporate Education Group

15) Desktop Publisher – Professional Staffing Group


This assignment was very beneficial, it forced me to take a good look at what sort of opportunities are out there pertaining to my field and I am amazed at what i’ve discovered. My field consists of many components. There are various routes that a person can take when studying communication design. I, myself am indecisive about what subject I want to focus on when I am ready to pursue my masters degree; because I am still trying to figure out my strengths. But first I must develop work experience in my industry, as a student seeking a bachelors in communication design management I would need at least 3-5 years of experience. Proficiency in mostly Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. These are skills I have developed throughout college. They must have an eye for color and color correction,  a skill which comes naturally. The ability to maintain workflow is what this career path is all about and I have yet to refine these abilities through practice.  It is strongly desired that this person have great communicative skills. I have a lot of growing to do in this aspect, through practice I think I have what it takes to become a very effective speaker. I feel that I have so much more to learn on the job, I haven’t obtained enough knowledge throughout my college courses because much of what we need to understand requires plenty of practice.