1431 Broadway, 7th & 8th FL
New York, NY 10018-1907
T. 212.974.9092
F. 917.289.3975
Free Arts NYC provides underserved children with a unique combination of educational arts and mentoring programs that help them foster the Self-confidence and resiliency needed to realize their fullest potential. For their programs, is for arts mentoring program (youth ages 6-13 are provided with regular opportunities to express themselves creatively and engage with positive role models, also we doing free arts day is a variety of art projects with a supportive adult mentor.
For this programs are very crucial due to the fact only 8% of elementary schools meet state standards for arts education and, over 400,000 children are shut out of after school programs that only 1 in 3 children live in poverty, so based on those problem we really needs a solution to helps.
I did check back the 2013 financials balance sheet form this program, I think we need your helps for support because we don’t have enough revenue, we have total LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS now $763.715, so we please let you be our foundation supporters for next year.
Vivian Yuan