Monday, April 20: Group Brainstorm & Pitch


Today, we will work in groups to a) identify the top two potential projects for your proposal, and b) to develop a brief, 5-minute “Pitch” to present in class this Wednesday.

Meeting Minutes: From now through the end of this project, each and every time your group meets I will ask one member of your group to write down meeting minutes, covering what was discussed in your meeting, what decisions were made, and what are the next action items to be taken by each group member. Please post Meeting Minutes as a blog entry (categorize as “Meeting Minutes”).

After 15 minutes of group discussion, we will take a moment for each group to announce their top project ideas, making sure that no groups choose the same idea.

Crafting the Pitch: This will be your first component to the project. After brainstorming and choosing a problems that needs to be addressed around campus, you must decide on a solution to that problem. Obviously, you might not be able to carry out this solution on your own–the project–and your task–is to persuade your classmates and our administration that your proposed project is both necessary and  likely to succeed. 

The pitch is simply a 5-minute presentation that your group will deliver in front of the class, explaining the the problem and your proposed solution. Only one team member is required to speak, but all team members must join the presenter in front of the class. The deliverables for this component include a script or outline and your PowerPoint file. (Please either email me the Powerpoint file or bring it to class on a flash drive).

Note: The Powerpoint presentation should consist of three slides:

Title Slide—include group member name, date, and draft title for your project

Problem Slide—A slide that highlights the problem you are addressing. Include some facts, perhaps a quote, and anything else that will illustrate the dire nature of your chosen issue.

Solution Slide—How do your propose solving this problem? What will be the main components of your solution (IE, parking lot–where would it go? Do you propose we build a new building or repurpose another space?)


The Pitch is due this Wednesday, April 22.

FYI: GROUPS (names in bold face are group leaders)

A — Sam, Shrehyar, Michael, Juan Lu

B — Amelia, Yishi, Vivian

C — Francisco, Marlon, Harold, Cynthia

D — Nestor, Chris M., Pratik, Juan

E — Catherine, Meredith, Carla, Luis

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