Marlon Furye -Mini job Search

This assignment has been interesting to say the least, it has opened my eyes to how much opportunity is out there for someone wishing to work in IT in new york city. as part of the assignment I used job search tools specifically geared towards new york  links below.

Skills for this field  are wide ranging but that depends solely on which part you wish to work in. Applicable skills could be  understanding or mastery of windows, linix, or unix operating systems, basic or advanced programming knowledge and understanding of commonly used programming languages, understanding of computing technologies (hardware and software), excellent interpersonal skills, stress and time management skills all seem to be the most popular skill for any IT worker to have.

Although I can’t say that I have every skill required for my field just yet. I am proud to say I have met some key requirements. In high school I took a course and became Cisco certified in PC software and hardware repair, The various courses I’ve taken in college have expanded my knowledge of different fields of IT literacy such as java script programming, wed programming, computer networking and security, and windows administration. My current job as a brain coach for marbles the brain store also has an applicable skill set as a sales job it has increased my  interpersonal skills. although I am not as close to my goal as I want to be IT is nice to know that I am making greater and greater strides towards my goal as I go along  and some day soon I’ll feel like a perfect match.


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