Networking Remotely, #3

Big Events to Prep For

I’ve been very busy working for my supervisors this week. With the load of my school projects and my other job, I’ve been stretched very thin this week. For my internship, I was asked to reach out to an equestrian trainer for a collaboration via email. She wishes to help us get ready for the Special Olympics, along with helping us strengthen our Facebook growth approach. I appreciated this because although I’ve been helping the company consistently grow on Instagram since I started, Facebook has been stubborn and has not budged in likes and followers.

I’ve been feeling a bit deflated because of this and it began to make me question my abilities as a whole. When talking of confidence in your skills as a designer, I know it’s important to remind myself of all the other things I’m good at and what I’ve helped the company accomplish so far. Waiting on a reply from the trainer, I finished editing and scheduled another Instagram to post today.

I was also emailed and asked to start another Instagram post to speak of the equestrian trainer, so that will be my focus for this week. I will also be working on other tasks such as updating the social media data chart and researching how to get the company on the Facebook marketplace. It’s been a lot for me this past week, but I’m hoping I can better manage things this week, at least mentally.

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