Ethics Entry 2a

Back in high school when I was first studying graphic design, I don’t remember taking the time to really credit artists’ work when I used it. I also had a mentality of “If it’s on the internet, it must be okay for me to use.” I never thought of the laws or unethical nature of crediting artists, as stated in the AIGA Business Ethics handbook. I wasn’t educated on copyright laws and didn’t go out of my way to look into them. It’s good that practicing this since high school, I’ve gotten the chance to correct that and be taught how to properly give credit if wanting to use someone else’s design. During college, I began crediting artists’ and giving attribution, but I began to get bored of it. This pushed me to practice using illustrator and translating my sketches into digital pieces on there. It took so much more time, but I felt more proud of my work. Working for my supervisors, sometimes my drawing style doesn’t fit the design we’re working on, which is when giving attribution comes back into play.

 AIGA Business_Ethics 47556770-Use-of-photography-1-MB.pdf

 AIGA Business_Ethics 47556757-Guide-to-copyright-1-MB.pdf

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