Weekly Schedule

Updated April 24, 2014


ENG 1101, Spring 2014

Professor Sean Scanlan (NYCCT) 

Please bring this schedule to each class as assignments and due dates may change.

Week 1: Introduction and Education

Jan 28, t     Discussion of course, syllabus, and texts; Introductions; For Thurs: Journal 1

Jan 30, r     Due: Journal 1. Discuss Journal 1 and favorite/reading habits. Orientation–OpenLab; freewriting: in-class writing; HW for Tues: Read/print out Asimov, Scibona, and Brody; then write Journal 2: 1-2 pages on favorite


Week 2: Education and Intellectual Homes

Feb 4, t     Due: Journal 2. Freewrite; Essay 1 explained.  Discuss readings; HW for Thurs: read Gardner andWallis/Steptoe essays in Dwell.

Feb 6, r     Freewrite. Discuss elements and essay format. HW for Tues: Read essays by Santiago and Rahmani; prep for Quiz 1


Week 3: Home and New York

Feb 11, t    Due: Quiz 1–in class, over readings. Freewrite. Discuss revision and editing (quotations). HW for Thurs: read Powell, and Lubrano.

Feb 13, r    Due: Draft of Essay 1—peer review workshop. Freewrite.


Week 4: Sentences and Paragraphs

Feb 18, t     Discuss drafts of Essay 1; HW: Work on Final Draft of Essay 1

Feb 20, r     NO Class (Classes follow a Monday Schedule)


Week 5: The Photo Essay

Feb 25, t     Due: Final Draft of Essay 1. Discuss how we read the city and see the city; What is a photograph? Barthes on Studium and Punctum; HW: Read Abbott, Hine, Nooney-write Journal 3

Feb 27, r     Due: Journal 3. Discuss readings and the role of photography in culture; reality vs. image; HW: TBA


Week 6: Describing Photos

Mar 4, t       Discuss Essay 2: narrating physical and moral views (facts and feelings) of NYC; Discuss photos and readings. HW: read Sontag selection on OpenLab; Write Journal 4

Mar 6, r      Journal 4 Due; discuss readings; revision techniques and quotations. HW: Study for Quiz 2


Week 7: Writing a Comparison Essay

Mar 11, t     Quiz 2; Freewrite. Discuss ways of seeing and narrating the city; HW: read José Parlá in Dwell

Mar 13, r      Freewrite; Describing the city and art. HW: read Joseph Anastasio


Week 8: Writing a Comparison Essay

Mar 18, t     Freewrite; Discuss Anastasio, photography, and reading images,

Mar 20, r     Paragraphs, conclusions, student photos; HW-write draft of Essay 2


Week 9: Structure: Revision and Techniques of Good Writing

Mar 25, t      Peer Review of Essay 2; HW–Prep for Midterm Exam;

Mar 27, r      Quiz #3; In Class Reading and Writing Assignment (Substitute)


Week 10: Beginning the Research Essay

Apr 1, t       Library Research Session—Meet in the library: Atrium Bldg 4th fl.; HW: Study for Midterms, especially summary blueprint and citing books and articles

Apr 3, r       Midterm Exam; HW–Continue to write draft of Essay 2 for Peer Review

Week 11: Beginning the Research Essay

Apr 8, t       Due: Essay 2. HW-Read Shorto

Apr 10, r     Discuss Essay 3 and Research; HW–HW-Read Deak and Egan and write Journal 5


Week 12: Spring Break

Apr 15, t     Spring Break: Enjoy

Apr 17, r     Spring Break: Enjoy


Week 13: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

Apr 22, t     Spring Break: Enjoy

Apr 24, r     Due: Journal 5. Freewrite; Citations and Works Cited page discussion; HW: read Whitman, Poole, and Mark Naison in Dwell


Week 14: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

Apr 29, t     Library day. HW: topic summary and 5 questions (Journal 6)

May 1, r     Due: Journal 6; Discuss Portfolio;  research methods: HW: read Lopate and Egan  in Dwell; study for Quiz 4


Week 15: Writing about NYC: The Research Paper

May 6, t      Due: Portfolios, Due: Quiz 4 over readings; Discuss readings and writing strategies

May 8, r      Due: Draft of Essay 3 for Peer Review


Week 16: Putting It All Together and Final Exam

May 13, t    Question and answer about Essay 3

May 15, R   Due: Essay 3 (Annotated Bib + Essay) Due in class


Week 17: Final Exam

May 20, t     Final Exam

May 22, r     Last class of the semester





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