Author Archives: Professor Sean Scanlan

Proofing Advice and Reminders

Hi Class…remember that you must turn in Essay 3 on Thursday. Proofing Advice: 1. Buy a friend a cup of coffee and have them read over your essay and make comments. 2. Pay a friend/colleague a nickle for every mistake … Continue reading

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Student Sample: Essay 3

This student essay was written for my ENG 1101 class in 2012. Note that this sample essay is good, quite good, but it is not perfect. I think that it may be instructive to study this essay in order to … Continue reading

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Some guidelines for conducting an interview

Hi Class, Obtaining information by direct questions is a form of primary source material, so you may want to conduct a short interview with a person connected to your topic/site. You may conduct the interview in person, by email, or … Continue reading

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Annotated Bibliography–A Student Sample

Hi Class, Here is a student sample of a “B+” Annotated Bibliography. Student-Sample-Annotated-Bibliography-2014 Note: The interview (primary source) does not need to be completed by Tuesday. -Prof. Scanlan

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OOoops, I made a mistake about Tuesday’s homework

Hi Class, Sorry! I thought on Tuesday, April 29  you were to turn in the topic summary and 5 questions–but that is due on Thursday, May 1. I apologize for that mistake. We will have another library day on Tuesday. … Continue reading

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Spring Break Journal Assignment

Hi Class, I hope that your Spring Break is going marvelously! For our return on Thursday, April 24th, please have Journal 5 ready: Read Deak and Egan in our textbook and then write 250 words on which of the two writer’s … Continue reading

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Reminders for Midterm Exam

Hi Class, On Thursday we will take the Midterm Exam. It will resemble Quiz 3 in that it will focus on summary and citations. In addition, it will have two short answer questions. Next Tuesday, April 8th: Final Draft of … Continue reading

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Homework for Thursday, March 20

Hi Class, For Thursday: 1. Make sure to post (or re-post) two photos and descriptions…if you have not done so already. 2. Complete the Paragraph Structure handout and bring to class. 3. Print out the 5 Conclusions handout (under “Readings” … Continue reading

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A Photo by Anonymous

The Main Concourse of Grand Central Station, 1929, Anonymous  

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Essay 2 Details

Hi Class, Great photos! And great descriptions, too. Essay 2 details are now up. Go to “Assignments” on the menu tab. Best, Prof. Scanlan

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