Non-STEM Page 2


My poster project is on the effect of Covid-19 on foodservice. I conducted an Empirical Research which is research based on the collection of data that I implemented reading articles and conducting an interview with a Chef. I decided to research how the pandemic affected and is still affecting the restaurant industry because it’s a part of the Hospitality industry which I’m majoring in. Covid had an impact on every industry but the hospitality industry got the hardest hit.


This research topic is to focus on the importance of the information provided to students to pursue a career in Radiologic Technology Medical Imaging. What makes students choose this career path & do they have the information to succeed? The data that will be collected are answers to questions like what modality they wish to pursue. Or do they know the requirements needed to get into the competitive Radiologic Technology program at City Tech? This will be a survey done using survey monkey to collect the data. As a student with a bachelor’s degree switching career paths, I found myself lost in the process & wished I had more answers to save myself time & pursue this career in the future. This research is more to help students who are confused or unsure, to help them continue their education with answers. The next steps are to gather all the data and put it together for others if they decide to go further in this path.


“Lookism” a is a term used to describe discrimination in the workplace based on physical attractiveness. Favorable appearances have been proven to grant favorable outcome based solely on discriminatory standards. To combat these social injustices, lookism must be examined and further defined in order to stimulate the change needed in this area. With enough evidence from social media evaluation of multiple different ethic groups, a definition of lookism can be more clearly defined; and therefore combatted. Components pertaining to appearance like dress, hair, positioning or posing, context, facial features and number of likes on a social media posts are evaluated and compared to identify what “Lookism” can truly be defined as. To further research efforts, control groups in different areas of the American workforce should be identified and assessed in order to prevent unfair advantage in the workplace environment.