Introduction – Oliver Hadi

Hi everyone,

my name is Oliver Hadi and my preferred pronouns are he, him. I was born in Hungary and immigrated to New York at the age of 20. I currently live in Brooklyn with my wife and two cats and I am a senior in the Bachelor of Architecture program and hoping to graduate around this time next year.

I used to be a movie fanatic until college where I mostly have been lacking the time to watch movies, however, I can say that overall I’m over 70% done with IMDB’s best 250 rated movies.
I’m also an absolute die-hard fan of the Star Wars franchise(mostly the old trilogies before Disney purchased the name). Honorable mentions would be the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter franchise as well. Besides all of these, however, my favorite movie is Donnie Darko, mostly because I generally love movies that make you think and leave you somewhat confused.

They are the two mentioned furballs at their cutest!

1 Comment

  1. Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

    Hi Oliver,
    Thanks for this terrific introduction. Very cool that you’re pursuing the IMDB list. This is a great way to get exposure to a terrific range of films. I haven’t checked out the IMDB list before and I’m going to do so right now. Were there any surprises so far for you in terms of films that made the list and perhaps films that didn’t? Have you been filling in your own ratings/ star system? As this is such a subjective thing (not only in terms of film appreciation but also in terms of who is rating films on IMDB and thus helping the site gather collective reviews), I like that there is a space for one’s own ratings.
    Happy to be working with you!

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