Group Assignment 7

This is a picture I did not take of a train car occupied by one horribly smelly homeless man, as at each spot people would enter the car and then quickly switch to another and advise other passengers to do the same.

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3 Responses to Group Assignment 7

  1. michaelearsi says:

    This has happen to me once, only that the man wasn’t homeless, he was carrying a barrel that leaked out foul smelling liquid. He was the only one in the cart and as the train doors opened at the next stop people would walk in and right back out. No one questioned what was inside the barrel.

  2. This happened to me few times on the A-train, but few times I remember seeing the same guy and he always have this bag full of tools, and there was always this smell on him, but later on I found out he was a plumber from other passengers on the train

  3. Osiris A says:

    This is a regular thing to me. I usually scope out whose on the train before i get on . I don’t think that anybody really wants to get on the train from a long hard day of work or school and be bothered by someones bad hygiene.

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