Exam Date: Wednesday, 12/18/24
Exam Time: During class, 10:00-11:40am
Review: The review sheet (with solutions) is posted here. Please note: Both the review sheet and the final exam are written by the department.
Final Exam Policies
The final exam will take place in the classroom, during our last class meeting. Unlike previous exams, the final exam is written by the department. Be sure to spend some time working through the departmental review sheet, and feel free to bring me your questions!
You may use a scientific or graphing calculator during the exam (no phones, tablets, or other smart devices).
You may not use any notes or other supplementary materials during the exam.
Final Exam Absences
The Mathematics Department is strict when it comes to missing the final exam. In almost all cases (see below for information about makeup exams), if you miss the exam you will receive a score of zero and your grade in the class will be calculated accordingly. Because the final exam is counts heavily, it is likely that your letter grade will be F, or WU (if you did not attend class at all during finals week ).
Makeup final exams
If you miss the final exam and wish to take a makeup exam, both criteria below must be met. If this is the case, please contact your professor to discuss next steps.
- You must be PASSING the course with a D or higher prior to taking the final exam.
- Your professor must receive approval from one of the following sources (you will need to submit documentation to the appropriate office – they in turn will inform me):
- Serious Illness *APPROVAL RECEIVED FROM STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY, Email: accessibility@citytech.cuny.edu; Room: L-237
- Jury Duty/Court Summons *APPROVAL RECEIVED FROM STUDENT AFFAIRS, Email: studentaffairs@citytech.cuny.edu; Room N-325
- Death in the Family (Bereavement) *APPROVAL RECEIVED FROM STUDENT AFFAIRS, Email: studentaffairs@citytech.cuny.edu; Room N-325
- Note: Travel is NOT considered a valid excuse for missing the final exam.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best of luck with your studying!
Prof. Reitz
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