What is infinity?

The idea of infinity suggests something or some idea is endless or too large to count. It can also be imagined as something without an end, like time. Infinity can be also be described in different sciences in different ways but essentially still mean the same.

Infinity, in a mathematical sense, is denoted by ∞. IT is used to represent the boundless ends of a number line. This number line can go in both directions, that being, positive and negative directions.

From the above, we get negative infinity and positive infinity which, again, represents both ends of the number line. These are used in mathematical calculations especially when dealing with limits.

In the science of physics, on the other hand, infinity is associated with space and time. Space is thought of being infinite because we have cannot measure its end, as space (outer space) is incomparably bigger than what we can measure. Time only goes in one direction and it has no end so it is also considered infinite.

A mathematical number line showing both negative and positive infinities.

A sunset over a body of water This shows space from the view of the ground and how large it really is.