Discussion: Advice from the Past

NOTE: Please leave your response to this discussion prompt below (on this site, NOT on the Spring 2019 site linked below)

In Spring 2019 I taught this course and at the end of the semester, I gave my students the following assignment:

Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 2680, to give advice to entering students.  Write at least three sentences … describing what you would tell them.

To see the assignment and the students’ responses, follow this link.

Your assignment, due at the beginning of class on Monday, September 12, is to:

  1. Read through ALL the responses (there are 44 of them, but many of these are short replies to other comments).
  2. Write a reply to this post (1 paragraph) responding to all of the following:
    1. What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
    2. Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you succeed in this course?

Extra Credit. For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments.  Do you have any advice?  Be kind.


  1. hossain,mubashshir

    The piece of advice that is most relevant to me personally is to be confident in my integration techniques. The reason to this I always doubt myself and tend to waste time over a problem. To overcome this challenge according to pervious peers they have recommended YouTube videos to help master integration so there is little doubt in my solution. To implement this I will review some of my integration techniques with the homework.

    • Claudio Malvino

      Hello Mubashshir,

      I agree, I am definitely going to sharpen my integration skills. I always doubt myself as well, haha. Its the more likely than not that the answer is correct, but that lingering doubt of “are you sure you are heading in the right direction?” sets in and I end up doing the problem 2 or 3 times to be sure that I was right, which as you mentioned, is very time consuming. Nothing builds confidence like incessant practice.

    • Indrid Puka


      I completely agree that we should use the internet, specifically YouTube to help us master topics we are not completely familiar with. I personally also suffer from wasting time over a problem. Even if I move on and try to do it later, the stress eats at me and I just hang onto the problem. We should be familiar with all the topics on an exam before taking the exam, and watching YouTube videos can and will help us further be “masters” at these topics.

    • ibrahimmuhammad

      I agree with using Youtube videos to help in your study because it gives you the benefit of going back and rewinding until you understand. This is really good because you can learn at your own pace instead of being rushed to understand the topic. Reviewing the homework is also good because you can go back and see if you made any mistakes which you can correct the next time you have a problem or quiz.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Video and other resources can be a great source of additional help, especially in refreshing previous skills. Heads up – some videos are more helpful than others (as you no doubt know), and we (the math department) have hand-selected a large number of youtube/khan academy videos (arranged by topic) — these can be found embedded in the Lessons on the Calculus II Course Hub (scroll down in each lesson until you find the embedded videos). Take a look at my recent post on Calculus Review for direct links to some relevant review lessons.

    • Naila

      I have also decided to use the resources provided to us this semester. I’m used to looking up videos when I’m stuck but I think interaction with someone is better sometimes so I would also do tutoring.

  2. Claudio Malvino

    The advice that I found to be the most relevant to me personally was the following comment left by David Levi:

    “You should also clarify any confusion you have as soon as possible, so that when it comes to the exam you can focus solely on studying the material, and not “learning” it for the first time.”

    This is absolutely crucial advice for me personally because I tend to not ask questions in class. When I am confused about something I tend to be stubborn and try to figure it out on my own, but I learned my lesson in MAT2572. There is nothing wrong with asking for help and being patient with yourself. Given this advice I am going to be proactive and not set myself up for failure by putting aside my bad habit.

    • Indrid Puka


      I’m the exact same way with the stubbornness. I honestly either think my question is stupid and/or think I can just move on and learn it later, but usually I never actually take the time to teach myself! I have to understand that other people might have the same question as me and also might have the same fear. I will not only benefit from asking the questions, but so will my classmates.

      • Justin Andrew

        Stubbornness and false reaffirmation is also something that I suffered with. I too also get worried with asking questions within class because of the setback of doing so. However, I agree with you and Claudio in that there is a benefit to asking questions. We just have to understand that one or more moments of inaction will add one more enduring problem to the list of doubts and misunderstandings.

    • Jonas Reitz

      This is such great advice (but not always easy to do in practice) – I love questions, and they tend to help your classmates as much or more as they help you!

    • Ryan Mangal


      I completely agree with seeking help asap instead of waiting till the last minute. I would sometimes do this, and it would not bring anything but more problems. Hope we can get to know each other, and help each other out.

  3. Indrid Puka

    The most relevant comment left on the post you provided in my opinion is the post by “mitchell.ayzenberg”.

    “The most important prior knowledge that you need in order to succeed in this class is a good understanding of derivatives and integrals. Almost all of the topics that we have covered include steps where integration is needed or taking the derivative is part of the problem.”

    From what we have spoken about in class already, we have applied a lot of what we have learned back in pre-calc/calc 1 in this course. For example, just yesterday we used the product/chain rule in order to complete a problem. We have also applied integration to every problem that we have completed in class.

    I’m not one to go back to my notes frequently, so one change I’d make for myself is to look back at my notes, whether it be from just a few days ago, to months ago! I’m sure we will be revisiting many more topics we have been previously taught.

    • Izclovens Severe

      I agree with Indred’s post, in order to succeed we need to review our calculus 1/pre-calculus notes.
      I also agree with Claudio’s post, I think sometimes we’re too scared to ask for help. But it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity Infront of us.
      In class in didn’t understand some of the steps you did to arrive at your answer. For example logarithmic differentiation. So it is important for me review those topics. So that I can better understand.
      1) Study
      2) Review past notes
      3) Try to attend tutoring
      4) Use secondary resources such as YouTube, textbook, etc.

      • M.Cupid

        I agree completely with you when it comes to putting in the additional work to pass this course I also think another great piece of advice is working along with peers in the class who share the same struggle with you, this help because you get to see what issues plague your peers and you might be able to help each other through it also, it’s good to get a diff perspective on s question which might be able to help you understand the topic more

    • Ryan Mangal


      I definitely agree with you when it comes to looking back on previously taught material. I don’t really do that myself, but this semester I really hope to change that. I feel having a good group of people around you seeking to do the same things can help, so I hope we could get to know each other. Good luck.

    • Matthew

      Reading through all these comments tells me that we all agree that reviewing over the fundamentals of integrals and derivatives is a must. But what I like to add on is not only just the fundamentals of integrals and derivatives but also knowing your rules and what you can do special constants such as euler’s number and logarithms. For example, if you were to have ln, you are able to cancel out the ln with e. Not only should we know what we can do but why we can do them in the first place. A lot of times I realize that I can do these rules with these certain operations but I can’t seem to reason why which makes it a harder learning process for me. That’s my tip!

  4. ibrahimmuhammad

    The most relevant advice I read was from Jennifer who said “The advice I would give to future students is that I wish I knew at the start of class that you should have a a good understanding on derivatives and integrations. ” I agree with this because it is important to understand the foundational level knowledge before advancing into the more complicated topics otherwise you will not know what you’re doing and get lost. It is like trying to do algebra but you have no idea how basic operations work. Based on this advice, the changes I would make right now is to refresh on all the calculus topics I took up until know in order to make sure the concepts are solidified in my brain. I can take practice tests to see how much information I have already memorized and what I still need to continue to study in order to not make any errors in the future. I believe that taking these measures will allow me to succeed in this course.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Adding on to this excellent point, many folks (including me) still have challenges with algebra, and with arithmetical operations – and this class is a great time to ask those questions when confusing things come up. Don’t let me get away with doing something on the board you don’t understand!

  5. M.Cupid

    “So before starting this class, practice how to do derivatives and integrations by going back to your notes, doing practice problems, watching youtube videos, or going to tutoring on those topics.” The very very first comment stood out to me honestly, I found myself a tad bit lost a few occasions because I myself have have a lack of confidence when it comes to integration and derivatives so I question the way I go about certain problems. I told myself that I must go over my notes from previous classes to ensure I’m successful in this class and this comment states it so I’m going to do just that

    • Karim Reeves

      A habit that I’ve picked up from taking a math course during the pandemic that has stuck with me is creating pdf files of all homework and exam reviews and just saving it onto my phone or computer. So whenever we have an assignment whose core is based on previous material from other classes, I have the pdf file ready to go. It helps with me with avoiding having to find old notebooks, flip through pages and I have it on hand so to speak.

  6. Naila

    What I related to the most was one of the students mentioning that they wished they were told that differential equation is not harder than calculus two. They both just take a lot of time and effort. Knowing this information calms my anxiety about doing well in this course. so I have already dug up my note and quizzes from calculus II to review and use as a reference if I get stuck.

    • Ryan Mangal


      Sounds like you got a solid foundation of how you want this semester to go for you. I agree that we sometimes feel like the thing in front of us is gonna be hard, but when we act on it, it’s actually not that bad. Hope we can get to know each other.

  7. Ryan Mangal

    I definitely agree with going over material from previous courses, and seeking help early on in the semester, so for the remaining time of the course is not as difficult as it needs to be. I hope to communicate well with my professor and not be afraid to ask questions about something I do not understand. I also hope to make friends with other students, so we can get to know each other and help each other with any related material pertaining to the course.

  8. Matthew King

    “In order to study the differential equation, students should have basic knowledge differentiation and integration”. I absolutely agree with what this person commented. Reviewing back through the questions dealing with nonhomogeneous/homogeneous equations, it makes life easier that you know how do your integrations and derivation. After all, I feel as if differentials is just like another build up of concepts but the fundamentals from calculus I and II still remain. In order for me to be successful in this class, I believe that reviewing over rules of euler’s number and integration rules with trignometric functions should is a must. Doing one of the questions, I’ve realized I needed to do a cyclical integration by parts which was a brought back a flood of nostalgia. Although I may wish I would not encounter a cylic integration by parts, it’s always best off to review as you never know what you’re going to deal with when working with differential equations.

  9. Elliott S.

    I agree with Julian’s take, “I would advise them to have patience and perseverance when taking this class. At first the topics might seem intimidating and complicated, but it is important to keep trying and never give up when learning the topics. Taking everything step by step and carefully is the most important.” It is always advantageous to review material from courses prior, but I feel as though having a stable, clear mind and the mental fortitude to overcome certain feelings and learn rather than getting flustered and giving up is just as essential, if not more. To me, being able to communicate well with others and asking for help when needed is vital, along with going over material and practicing and watching tutorials on youtube. Hopefully what comes next is a passing grade.

  10. Raymond manaf

    From reading the advice from the past on 2019, I learn that some people really miss paying attetion on Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 because a lot of properties taught during those classes are used again in this class. Changes I can make right now is to pay attention on this class and make sure to ask questions if I do not understand the topic

    • Mohamed Kantako

      From what I acquire about all these comments is that we are all on the same boat whether you think you’re drowning on your own or not, just ask questions when you’re stuck. The reason you’re in school is to teach yourself, learn from peers and staffs, therefore take advantage!!! I, myself struggle more often than I can count but one thing I need to practice is taking the time to watch videos, make friends in school that are beneficial to my course learning since they are resources that will lead to success. I also recommend everyone to use their spare time to practice solving problems, in general, for any other courses you struggle with because it saves you the headache during the tests.

  11. Rayon D.

    I gave the 2019 post a read and did agree with remembering derivatives and integrals from calculus 1 and 2. If you don’t have a basic grasp on these concepts differential equations will be difficult and you wont succeed in the class. Im going to be putting in a lot more effort into this class specifically since I know I’ll be having the most trouble with it if I don’t.

  12. abdelhameed nasr

    After reading most of the advice left by previous students of this class, the one common advice that stood out to me was to be prepared for this differential equations course by going over previous courses’ materials from calculus 1 and calculus 2, watching YouTube videos, and reading online resources. And To practice and go over my integration methods, derivatives, and integrations, try not to doubt myself, and ask for help we needed. Some advice I would give myself is to ask questions in class when I don’t understand something, practice a lot, and have confidence in myself.

  13. Allen Shen

    The piece of advice that seems most helpful is the one that seems to constitute the majority of the responses: refresh your knowledge of derivations and integrations. I recall that while doing the “review” homework I had forgotten the formula for integration by parts, and had to look up for the formula to actually use it. While I am actually fairly confident in my Calculus, I have no doubt that I have forgotten at least a handful of the derivation and integration techniques that I will probably need for this class. I’ll probably do a quick review(beyond what the review homework had to offer, which in hindsight seemed inadequate) and bring integral and derivative references to class. 

  14. Diego

    The advice that stuck out to me the most came from Umaira Shah, where they outlined the importance of integration and how in this class you need to be active, There are several ways to be active but one of which Umaira points out is “participation” as it actively encourages personal interest In the class. One point that also stuck out was one by William Santiago who also gave an honest review that if your calculus knowledge is weak, then it will make this course severely difficult. I appreciated that outlook and the mention of how much time he had to spend preparing and studying for class. I can start by creating a study schedule for me. I am aware that this class would take up the majority of my time, and now I can see how extensive that will be, but I really need to organize myself in terms of when I have to study in order to be the most productive. I also have to make sure that I am completing my goals and brush up on the calculus that I need for this course or even tutoring.

  15. Aiden Rivera

    Aiden Rivera 

    MAT 2680

    After reading all the responses I’ve come to the conclusion that every student now, before and after me is going through the same struggle when it comes to the course Differential Equations. And that struggle would be realizing that you need a solid knowledge of integrals and differentials.  Almost every response I read said the same thing: Plan ahead, study old notes, overall just make sure you understand integrals and differentiations. Seems like such a simple thing to say about any course, but it still showed to be the best advice I was given. We’re at a stage where math just gets harder and the only way to keep up is to have the steps you already passed fortified. Now that I’ve read these real life tips from previous students I’m probably going to have to actually look over old notes or go tutoring like most of them said. Some even said to watch youtube videos. This is just what I will have to do if I wanna succeed in this course to the best of my abilities. 

  16. Luke Gruber

    The best piece of advice for me was to go over calculus I & II. There was a common theme among the students, which was that the basics are important. Many students said how important it was to be confident in your integration and derivation. Every problem in differential equations has a derivative so I understand why this makes sense as well. In order to feel confident about being successful in this class I need to review certain topics such as the chain rule.

  17. Justin Andrew

    The consensus within the 2019 ‘Advice for the future’ seems to be that relearning and reengaging with Calculus I and II topics are imperative to success within Differential equations. As this is my second time taking the class, I’ve already learned that the hard way. Thankfully, I’ve taken a lot of digital notes from my Calc II class, so this semester, I will be looking to study back on those topics, and utilize other online sources to gain more clarity on the fundamentals of calculus as I tackle problems within Differential equations. I also feel that working alongside classmates during homework assignments will reduce stress, increase motivation, enhance focus, and allow for the collaboration of skills and knowledge to overcome stalemates.

  18. Karim Reeves

    A piece of advice that stood out to me was from Abdel Moussa, where they say “failure to plan is a plan for failure. Make sure you really take the time to understand the material. Don’t keep pushing it till the last minute before an exam and cram everything”. Postponing and cramming at the last second may seem like a good idea at the time but it really does come back around full circle and haunt you when the deadline is near. This has always been a habit of mine throughout schooling. While the habit sometimes does linger, these days I find myself reviewing the course syllabus and checking out information on the topic we’ll be learning about in our upcoming class. Although I may not understand any of it, it does feel good when you’ve at least been exposed to the material and later on all questions and concerns are answered. At heart I’m a last second, spur of the moment kind of guy, but since attending college, I never would’ve thought that planning ahead would have a have major impact on my education.

    Changes I could make right now to help succeed in this course is to continue to practice planning ahead, checking out upcoming topics, getting that head start and exposure to the new material before our next class. When I’m ahead I feel like I’m at my strongest, but when I fall behind, even just a bit, it’s like a snowball effect.

  19. Erik Santos Castelan

    After reading the advice from previous students the one that stood out for me was to refresh your knowledge of derivations and integrations. It has been a while since I remembered the different derivations and integrations. It would be good for me to review what I have forgotten from my past classes. I also would try organizing my notes this time around and practice integration methods, derivatives, and integrations and ask for the help we needed.

  20. Shane

    A piece of advice that I will take from the former students is to sharpen my calculus as far as derivative and integration techniques go. Also to you youtube videos to sharpen up my problem solving and to fill in blanks that I may have missed in class. I understand that putting in extra time outside of class and homework will be the difference on exams.

  21. boubah90

    I agreed. thank you for this advise. very importante. thanks again.

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