Coronavirus Update: Spring Break, Borrowing a Laptop/iPad

Hi everyone,

I hope you are well and safe during this extraordinary time. I’m writing with two updates:

  1. First, our schedule for the next few weeks has been updated by CUNY Central (this encompasses Spring Break). Take a deep breath and prepare to mark your calendars, it gets a little complicated!
    • NO CLASSES from this Friday, 3/27, through next Wednesday, 4/1. Classes resume on Thursday, 4/2. (According to CUNY, this is a “Recalibration period” which will be used to help ensure that all students have access to the technology they need for distance learning — see item #2 below if you need a laptop or iPad).
    • CLASSES RESUME next Thursday 4/2 (we will have class on Thursday 4/2), and continue until the beginning of Spring Break the following week.
    • TUESDAY 4/7 is a WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE, so we will not have class.
    • SPRING BREAK will take place from 4/8 to 4/10 (three days only!) – so we will not have class on THURSDAY 4/9. If you must miss class the following week for religious observances, please let me know ahead of time.
    • CLASSES RESUME after Spring Break, on Saturday 4/11 (our class will meet on Tuesday 4/14, as usual).
To recap, here is our schedule for the next few weeks:
– Thursday 3/26 we have class as usual, look for Lesson 14 on OpenLab.
– Tuesday 3/31 NO CLASS – CUNY Recalibration period
– Thursday 4/2 we have class as usual, look for Lesson 15 on OpenLab.
– Tuesday 4/7 is a Wednesday schedule, so our class does not meet.
– Thursday 4/9 NO CLASS – Spring Break
– Tuesday 4/14 we have class as usual, look for Lesson 16 on OpenLab.
  1. Do you lack the technology required to participate in Distance Learning? Check out this message from our Dean:
Dear student,

In the coming days we will be receiving a limited supply of Chrome Books and iPads to lend out to students who need them in order to continue their classes in this new online setting. They will need to be returned at the end of the semester. We want to be sure to get these to the students who most critically need them. Therefore, if you already have a laptop or desktop at home, or other resources to continue taking classes online, then please do not respond to this.

However, if it would be impossible or very difficult for you to continue online classes without receiving either a Chrome Book or iPad then please let us know by filling out this online survey right away.

– Dean Justin Vazquez-Poritz

I wish everyone the best, and I thank you for your patience and adaptability as we navigate these unpredictable events. I will post a Daily Attendance Quiz as well as Lesson 14 in the morning.
-Prof. Reitz

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