"...how it differs from the rocks"

OpenLab #1: Advice from the Past

In Fall 2014 I taught this same course.   At the end of the semester, I gave my students the following assignment:

Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MAT 2680, to give advice to entering students.  Write at least three sentences … describing what you would tell them.

To see the assignment and the students’ responses, follow this link.

Your assignment, due at the beginning of class next Thursday, February 16th, is to:

  1. Read through ALL the responses (there are 57 of them, but many of these are short replies to other comments).
  2. Write a reply to this post (1 paragraph) responding to all of the following:
    1. What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
    2. Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you succeed in this course?

Extra Credit. For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments.  Do you have any advice?  Be kind.


  1. Ryan Redhead

    The advice that seemed most relevant to me personally was to review topics from calculus 1 and 2. This was a recurring statement that was made by most of the previous students. The changes I can make right now are to review my calculus 1 and 2 notes and make sure that I can use previous methods used in calc 1 and 2 to solve problems in differential equations.

    • Steven Ramlall

      Same, review Calc 1 and 2. But I took those classes probably in 2013 and it’s hard to catch back up. YouTube helps alot, just like the video the professor posted. Best advice is to get some tutoring if you need help, which the professor posted the flyer up for the schedule.

      • Gabriel

        Yeah i agree with you, youtube helps a lot, specially the videos from Khan Academy.

      • Luanromo

        I agree with both, youtube is the best help we can get out of the school.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Hi Ryan,
      Thanks for being first-to-post, and welcome to the site. Fluency with Calc 1 & 2 is definitely going to be a big help in the class, and it’s never to late to review – thanks!
      -Prof. Reitz

    • andy

      i agree with your idea on going over examples of calculus 1 and 2 to refresh your mind over things like derivative and integration since that seems to be what we going to be using for most of our problem. i also want to say that asking people for help or help from the professor after class is another good way to improve upon your study and watching tutorials too will help out a lot.

  2. Gabriel

    Sabeeya’s comment has been the most useful so far because it cover what we have done so far throughout the semester, first linear order equation. Therefore, I can relate to this comment. To the other comments not so much because they are too advance, the speak about things I have never seen like ( partial fraction, euler’s and yada yada yada), but I get it I have to get ready for those topics because I’ve seen everybody is getting stomp.

    Based on this advice I want to go back to calculus II and learn integration by parts again since my notes are not useful. Right now i’m struggling so hard on webwork doing separable and first linear order equation. 17 tries and counting all I can say is GG.

    PD omw to Prof. Reitz’s office hours.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Hi Gabriel,
      Integration by parts is one of those integration techniques that is downplayed in Calculus 2, but turns up all the time in Differential Equations – so it’s a good one to work on! Keep up the good work on WeBWorK, and feel free to email me if you have questions.
      -Prof. Reitz

    • Harrys

      I will have to agree with Gabriel here. For some one like me who has taken calculus I and II almost 2 years ago, it’s not easy recollecting everything that was taught. So in order to succeed in this class, I guess reviewing and mastering integrals should make things easier. Although that may be a big challenge it’s not impossible.

    • Jose Herrera Batista

      I agree with you Gabriel, the HW # 3 from web work assignment was the most difficult one with the separable equation, has until now, I hope the next method be more easy.

  3. Steven Ramlall

    Same, review Calc 1 and 2. But I took those classes probably in 2013 and it’s hard to catch back up. YouTube helps alot, just like the video the professor posted. Best advice is to get some tutoring if you need help, which the professor posted the flyer up for the schedule.

  4. Harrys

    I would suggest to ANYONE that know that they has a weakness when it come to calc 1 & 2 to really pay attention to everything that is Prof. Reitz explains. Even though you will meet twice a week, that is not enough to comprehend the topics unless you already know them (Being High speed). And know your integrals. It would’ve help if I had taken those free online classes during the break.
    PS: Don’t forget about trigonometry (integrals and Derivatives).

    • Amory

      Myself like others have struggled a bit in Calc 1 and 2 but being in MAT 2680 means we passed it. But just passing could range from A and boarder line passing. You are right about paying attention to the class material that Prof. Reitz is explaining but practicing the material will definitely help use in the long run.
      (Nothing personal, just trying to get some extra credit.)

  5. David Berrios-Vasquez

    The first two weeks of this class has backed up all previous advice given by previous students. It is very important not to only know how to integrate and take a derivative, but it’s more important to understand why and how you got the answer. With out this knowledge integrating and taking derivatives will still be confusing which will make this class even harder and feel even more miserable. Practice is honestly the key to getting a good grade in this class. Without practice this class will be even harder then you thought. No question is the same. A lot of thinking will have to go into each question.

    Based on all the advice given, I will need to dedicate more time to reviewing all notes from previous classes and this class. So far even with reviewing previous notes and the textbook, I have ran into bumps. This will for sure not be the only bumps along the road for this class but practice will help make the process easier.

    • Jonas Reitz

      David, I love your comment “Practice is honestly the key to getting a good grade in this class.” this is not the most exciting advice, but absolutely essential!
      – Prof. Reitz

  6. Denisse

    A.What adviced seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (You can copy/paste a short statement , or put it in your own words)
    The adviced that seemed most relevelent to me was Rachel Rackal Post. This was the first advice or response out of all that caught my attention. The part when she said “For students who does not have an interest in math, and did badly on calculus (1 & 2) & have to take this class because your degree depends on it, then it would be wise to brush up on your integration and differentiation techniques. Get extra help, extra tutoring or find someone who is willing to help (GO TO PROFESSOR’S OFFICE HOURS!!!!) This class requires time and effort; math is not something you have to only read to understand but actually practice a lot a lot a lot of examples. This is what I do, practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice gets you perfect scores and good grades, dedicate time…” this part was my favorite. The reason for it is because I have a difficult time with math. I need this course in order to get the degree I need. This post will motivate me to continue to work hard and show myself that I can do it.
    B. Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you succeed in this course?
    After choosing the statement that I know now will help me motivate myself even more, I will change a few things to succeed in order to past this course. I would now dedicate more time a day in order to fully understand the material. I will then try to visit the professor office hour at least a 3-5 times before an exam. I will lastly try to ask more question because I know many kids are shy like myself to ask silly question. I just to fully understand everything I can to get the grades I want.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Denisse – you chose a great quote (from a great student, by the way). Looking forward to many silly questions, from everyone – bring them on!
      -Prof. Reitz

  7. Malik Arthur

    Alex Oritz’s post seemed most relevant with me. Differential Equations is difficult for me so far but I believe that with time and practice of the problems, it will get easier. Right now, I am having a bit of difficulty with following the procedures for non homogenous linear first order equations and the separable equations. One part of Alex Ortiz’s post that I definitely agree with is to not be afraid of asking questions if you don’ understand the topic. I can’t stress this enough because if your question is not answered and you proceed without fully understanding the topic, then that can possibly affect your understanding of following topics in Differential Equations class. For Differentials Equations as well as every math class, it is key to practice the questions many times. I also agree with what he said, “don’t think that your at less of an advantage if you did not do well in Calculus II”. To be honest, Calculus II was a challenge for me to get through because. With positive focus, determination, time management and the right study habits, I am confident that I will do well in Differential Equations. In conjunction with Professor Reitz’ Differential Equations class, I will make sure that I review and practice Calculus II, Integration by parts, trig substitution, Calculus I topics and brush up on my algebra since that is one of my weaker areas.

    Based on the advice that I have been given, some of the changes that I can make right now to help me do well in the course would be to review my notes as soon as each class is over and perhaps even rewriting my notes to help me remember the topics that were being taught. It is not enough to just read and take notes. I will also make sure that I practice the problems as well as work in study groups to fully understand the topics. Along with reviewing and practicing the problems, I will be attending the Professor Reitz’ office hours as well as tutoring to help improve on my understanding of the concepts of Differential Equations.

    • khan_786

      @MalikArthur, i agree with the fact you wrote to review previous material in order to better accommodate you in this course. i will be trying to review my previous course material to better assist me.

    • John

      Hey Malik we have to all help each other and grow our knowledge, Study previous course materials. And we have to sharpen our integration and differentiation. Good Luck

    • Jonas Reitz

      You make a good point, Malik – doing well in Calc II is *not* essential to success in this class (though of course you’ll have to work hard to come to grips with that material!). Reviewing notes is a great idea, and making your own study guide prior to exams can a lot, too (for example, a list of different types of differential equations and the techniques to solve them would probably be useful).
      -Prof. Reitz

  8. Kayla Natal

    What advice seemed most relevant to you personally? Why? (you can copy/paste a short statement, or put it in your own words)
    The advice that really hit home from me was from Rachel Rackal, especially the part below:
    “For students who does not have an interest in math, and did badly on calculus (1 & 2) & have to take this class because your degree depends on it, then it would be wise to brush up on your integration and differentiation techniques. Get extra help, extra tutoring or find someone who is willing to help (GO TO PROFESSOR’S OFFICE HOURS!!!!) This class requires time and effort, math is not something you have to only read to understand but actually practice a lot a lot a lot of examples. This is what I do, practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice gets you perfect scores and good grades, dedicate time.”

    This is my second time taking differential equations, so already you know that math isn’t my strong point, but this advice was really good for me because despite being tenacious about solving problems I would seldom reach out for help. And this time around I will be less stubborn and go to tutoring sessions when I’m lost/need help.

    Based on this advice, what changes can you make right now to help you succeed in this course?
    I can definitely continue spending time on solving problems, but reach out for help when I really can’t understand something.

    • Jonas Reitz

      Kayla, I really appreciate what you wrote. I have to say, even if “being tenacious about solving problems” is not enough on its own, it is still a *huge* asset and will serve you well in this class!

  9. Jonathan

    As my classmates have mentioned already, the advice that seemed the most relevant is to really review topics from Calculus 1 and 2 because its been almost 2 years since I’ve taken them. The changes I can make right now is to review my previous notes from Calculus 1 and 2. Also to watch YouTube videos to get more examples on how to solve Diff Equations when I get stuck at a certain topic.

  10. Mohammed Uddin

    As others have said the most useful advice for me is to review material from Calculus 1 and 2. I’ve noticed while doing the hw there are a lot of things I have forgotten about integration in particular that I have to review. The main change I plan to make is to review my notes from Calculus 1 and 2 . I will also be watching Youtube videos on how to solve problems and will do the extra optional problems listed on the syllabus rather than relying purely on the required hw.

    • Fahim

      I agree, yes we have to review some notes from Calc 1 and 2 and watch videos on YouTube, which can makes it easier for us to do well in class.

  11. khan_786

    Reading the “Advice for the future” section of the course website, all the comments, advices listed are very much helpful.one particular blog/comment i liked from the “Advice for the future”, was from “Gin Pena”.

    “In terms of prior knowledge, I would say review the Calculus 2 material! Differential Equations heavily involves derivatives, integrals, and more recently Taylor Series, so by keeping Calculus 2 ready and fresh on the first day of class, it is more likely that Differential Equations will be much easier. If you want to make it even easier, don’t take a break from math for one semester like I did (biggest mistake).”

    I can relate to this as i need to practice more of my equations as i am taking Differential equations 2 years after i took Calculus 1&2.

    On the first day of class it can be difficult due to how different professors approach their students and the syllabus. One great thing i noticed about the first day with professor Reitz, was the fact he approached the class differently rather than scaring the students with the syllabus. Professor did a great introduction to make sure we students felt comfortable. Differential equations require much of your own time in order to practice the problems. It is very important in order to understand what the problem is asking for as it is not always about solving the problem. In order to succeed in this course i have and will need to review my calculus material in order to better tackle differential equations.

    • John

      I agree Khan we have to all help each other and grow our knowledge

    • Jonas Reitz

      Khan – I really think first days are important (“A beginning is a very delicate time”), and I’ve been experimenting with different approaches. I’m not much into scaring folks (I feel like the work itself will either scare you, or not, without my help). Great to have your feedback!

  12. David.R

    I agree with the people who are emphasizing the significance of Calculus II and having a strong understanding of its material to be successful in this class. It has been about two years since I have taken Calculus II so my memory of important concepts from the class needs to be refreshed. Advice that I would personally give to someone who wants to be successful in this class is to not procrastinate and review that material from Calculus II as soon as possible so they can focus on learning the new material being taught in class. This would save them from wasting time at a later date backtracking to material from Calculus II around the time of exams when they should be focused on Differential equations material. One method that I would recommend that helped me refresh my memory is watching videos on Youtube.

  13. Amory

    Many of the responses from the previous students who took MAT 2680 emphasize the importance of reviewing materials from Cal 1 and Cal 2. It is really important to not only review them but to memorize as much rules as possible because Differential Equations uses a lot of the materials from those courses. The two homework assignments that we had to do are examples of the importance of knowing or memorizing the derivative rules and the integral rules. There a few materials from Cal 2 that I forgot and it can cause problems in the future homework and exams. In order to have a successful semester of MAT 2680 I’ll have to look at my old notes and maybe even some YouTube videos to strengthen my knowledge of Calculus.

  14. Gerald

    After reading all of the comments from the 2014 class I realized that the general consensus in to succeeding in this class is to make sure to review calc 1 and 2. The replies that seemed most relevant to me personally were ones that told you to always review and do the homework’s. I personally learn better from exercising multiple examples and homework problems. This helps me experience all the different types of problems that I could encounter during the course. It also helps me refresh what I have learned in class. It also helps me learn from my mistakes or something’s that I had forgotten about during my previous math classes. Even simple things like arithmetic rules and basic order of operations. Since differential equations takes a lot from Calc 1 and Calc 2 its easy to be stuck on a problem because of not remembering a certain law or theorem from a previous math class. Doing homework’s can easily help me remember things that I forgot. Based on the advice from the previous class I think looking back at my calc 1 and 2 notes will help me understand some of the material more. Also I would probably watch videos and keep reviewing and doing problem examples to understand the material more.

  15. Tomas H R

    The adviced that seemed most relevelent to me was from Boris Vejsilovic “Would of been helpful to have taken Differential Equations right after Calculus II, as with any math course they tend to follow. Meaning that you will most likely need to have knowledge of previous course. It is not to say you just need just knowledge on Calculus II, previous math classes play a part as well.” If I knew that this class require a lot of knowledge from calculus ll I would of take it right after I finished calculus ll and that way I wouldn’t have the need to go back to my notes because sometimes there’s not enough time to re learn something you took one year ago.

    • Malik Arthur

      Hey Tomas, I agree, it is good to take Differential Equations right after calculus II since Differential Equations incorporates a mixture of topics from Calculus II, Calculus I, Pre calculus and trigonometry. I think it would be a great idea to review notes from the previous math classes as well as practice older problems to help with answering the question in Differential Equations. Maybe you can even create study cards as a quick refresher for some of the topics in differential equations and calculus.

  16. Jose Herrera Batista

    After reading “Advice for the future” I just realized that many of then have an ingredient to complete the purpose of the math in general. I am agree with those who think that math is a subject where you need totally concentration and dedication. This subject in general and specially cal I and II or Upper level math like our class of differential Equations are not Difficult as we think, this is about the among of effort that you put into each individual course and one comment that called my attention was from Rachel Rackal (2014 class) that said this amazing quote ”This is what I do, practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice gets you perfect scores and good grades, dedicate time” this piece of comment said it all, we need to dedicate more time into practice because practice is what make you better. This is what all professor allays tell us, ”Do your HW so you can practice and get better solving problems”.However One thing that I disagree with this comment, is where the author pointed that practicing is to get good grades and good scores, but actually good grades and good scores are the deserved reward that you get for dedicating time and putting you best effort into your class or project.

  17. John

    Based on reading these comments from people that took the course i picked up a few things. One that really stayed on my mind was study up and review calculus and some topics like derivatives and integrals. One of the Previous students stated don’t be afraid to ask questions. I am a person who always asks questions and tries to understand the material to the best of my ability. Another advice i will take from the students that took this course is that i will spend more time on studying and reviewing the topics and materials discussed in class. I will study and keep studying calculus even though i took calculus 2 last semester.

  18. Devaun Singh

    It has been only two weeks worth of classes and as someone that loved math growing up, I find that from the previous comments you have must practice all these problems over and over. If you are someone that struggled with either the basic or hard formulas in Calculus I and II you must brush up on your derivatives, integrals most importantly when it comes to trigonometric functions such as sin, cos and tan. Based on what I have seen already I see how important Differential Equations are important to an engineer in real world problems. Overall, just like any assignment in life it isn’t impossible to complete and as long you review, study and if you need tutoring attend, so you can find success. I will definitely follow these guidelines I have stated and take advice of others. Also, reach out classmates because they may know something more clearer than you.

    • Tomas H R

      I agree with Devaun we can accomplished our goals working hard and seeking for help from our professor, a tutor or a classmate.

  19. Rabindra Lall

    The most relevant advice to me personally, was to look over notes and review topics from calculus 1 & 2. The changes I can make right now, would be to not only review topics and notes, but to pick out certain questions from certain topics and work them out as it would be a great refresher, and apply it to better understand differential equations.

    • Shivraj

      I agree going over previous notes is very beneficial.

  20. Alex Reinoso

    The advice that seemed most relevant to me is the importance to review Calculus 1 and Calculus 2 material. Many topics in differential equations include integration and derivatives. I have to work on my integration skills since I see that most of the problems require integration by parts. Some changes I can make right now to succeed in the course is to review calculus 2 and go to tutoring if I have trouble with homework or need to review for an exam.

  21. Fahim

    Most of the advice were about reviewing Calc 1 and 2, and it is true. I took calc 1 and 2 two years ago, and when professor started teaching differential equations this semester, a lot of things looked similar. Like derivatives, integrate etc. So most likely I might find some help from my old notebooks and practice all the time. Doing exercise on WebWork will help a lot.

  22. Jacky Chan

    There are many resources that are available to help me review some basic.
    Of course, watching youtube is one of the resources to help me. To me, the most effective way is to review the notes and the examples. Professor Reitz is very good at helping us review the basic. For example, intergration by parts and etc.

    • mohmed awadalla

      I also find that reviewing what we do on the first days in clasd make it easier to get back into doing calc 1 and 2

  23. Shivraj

    The advice that made the most sense to me was to review calc 1 and 2. This is definitely important because you need to understand derivatives and integrals. Considering I took calc a while ago, the changes I can make right now is to start going over my calculus notes so I can refresh my mind and make things easier for me in this class.

    • Chris Bipram

      Yeah, definitely going over your calculus notes is essential for doing good in this class.

  24. Chris Bipram

    Advice that seemed relevant pertaining to excelling in differential equations is to study and go over Calc 1 and Calc 2. The previous methods in calculus has shown up in differentials, so it seems sensible to go over material from Calculus and apply it to differentials and practice the new content. This course need time ,dedication and constant practicing in order to succeed and not fall behind. Also I’m taking the initiative to brush up on my Calculus.

  25. Steven Ramlall

    Same, review Calc 1 and 2. But I took those classes probably in 2013 and it’s hard to catch back up. YouTube helps alot, just like the video the professor posted. Best advice is to get some tutoring if you need help, which the professor posted the flyer up for the schedule.

  26. Nikolay K.

    I see that most of the students of our class left their replies on this page while some of us replied to the post they chose right there, on the page with “Advice for the future”. Prof. Reitz, would you please clarify what does the frase “Write a reply to this post” (in 2nd step of your assignment) mean: Should we reply right here, to the post with the assignment itself, or we should reply right to the post chosen on the page with “Advice for the future”? Thanks

    • Jonas Reitz

      Hi Nikolay,
      Thanks for the question – my intention was that you respond here, on this page.
      -Prof. Reitz

  27. Chad Boodoo

    Many of the things our peers said, such as the calc 2 reviews i can see coming into play especially since this is my 2nd time taking the course (it was more than a year ago though, so my memory is a little fuzzy). A few people also mentioned something that i know to be true 1st hand, and that is that the HW and practicing are a key part of passing with a good grade. I was admittedly a little lazy on our 1st two HWs and i can already see that because of that, my ability to successfully complete them is not where it should be. Instead of waiting for the weekend to start the HWs like i did before, my plan to improve is to start attempting to do at least 2 problems a day. Doing so gives you a bit of time to mess around with different methods and try again later when you get stuck. Also a word of advice for anyone in our class reading this, the textbook problems (by trench) has a link to the solution manual in the pdf which gives step by step solutions and can really help if you have a similar question. The best solution is probably tutoring though. When i made a friend in my class that was understanding and he explained things to me, i found myself beginning to understand much more! Tutoring and working together will greatly benefit everyone! Good luck everyone!

  28. Cody

    From reading the advice it gives me insight to what i need to be strong in this semester to make it easier for me. The tip of watching videos about the lecture after class is a very good idea, one i will use because Khan academy is very good for stuff like that. Everyone said basically the same thing review cal 1 & 2, Khan academy is going to be my best friend before the first test so i can brush up on everything i need to know.

  29. andy

    The advice i would give to anyone who is taking a math course (even to myself) is to study hard and do the homework because it helps a lot. Coming from some one who is taking differential and its not really that good in math, its in your best interest to study the materials as best to your ability as possible. Not everyone can be good at everything, and there is no problem that i see where if your stuck at something you don’t understand: seeking help its the number one thing you should do. From asking help from a classmate or seeing the professor after class to help solve a problem are ways you (and i) can better our self’s in understanding hard problems. Even watching YouTube videos in tutorials can help you study in those last minutes where you feel stuck at a problem. Spending more time solving problem or the same problems can make wonders where you could find or remember easy steps to help you solve even harder problems later on.

  30. Nikolay K.

    I have just finished reading all of 57 responses posted in the Open Lab web page, under the “Advice For The Future” title. Most of them perfectly supplement one another. All together they not only create a book of short advices relevant to many different situations, they also generate some general, universal to everyone advises such as the following: Visit all classes and be extremely active in each one of them; complete all homework assignments provided over the course; ask questions as soon as they arise and work additionally after class practicing with all of your past and present knowledge in math as more as it is possible and with more difficult part of it most of all.
    Out of all posts, advices of Rachel Rackal seemed most relevant to me personally. After the brief review of how will this course of math related to the “real world situations and problems”, Rachel split own advices into two categories. Each category is based on the type of students these advises are addressed to: those who who “..enjoyed calculus and have a deep interest in mathematics” and those who “..does not have an interest in math..” I have found myself belonging to both of these categories but not entirely., by parts. I like many math and calculus topics but some other topics I don’t; I even hate to learn them. However, now, during this course of study, I will have to have deals with all of them. I will have to move forward with both of my categories of math equally, disregarding my own wills and preferences that is why I found Rachel Rackal’s advices the most relevant to me.
    Yes, I also found thar I can read and look like clearly understand even very complicated topics of a highest level math but reading Rachel’s comments I got one more confirmation that it wouldn’t ever be enought. For all calculus topics which I like or don’t like I would very like to follow Rachel’s advice to remember that: “This class requires time and effort, math is not something you have to only read to understand but actually practice a lot a lot a lot of examples.” Even though, “practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice gets you perfect scores and good grades, dedicate time.” The last one is my most favorite note over all other notes and direct advices of the “Advice For The Future”. I believe that this simple note may help me to work toward my score in differential equations even better then any other direct and concrete looking advices do.

  31. mohmed awadalla

    The best advice to being ready for this class is to go over calc1 and 2. While it is used is used through out the class with in the first couple classes we will learn to add more on to what we know from calc1 and 2. Even if you can not review on your own too much that is fine as long as you are able to pay attention in class and keep up it can be as if reviewing calc1 and 2 while learning the new material.

  32. Account Deleted

    I have just finished reading all of 57 responses posted in the Open Lab web page, under the “Advice For The Future” title. Most of them perfectly supplement one another. All together they not only create a book of short advices relevant to many different situations, they also generate some general, universal to everyone advices such as the following: Visit all classes and be extremely active in each one of them; complete all homework assignments provided over the course; ask questions as soon as they arise and work additionally after class practicing with all of your past and present knowledge in math as more as it is possible and with more difficult part of it most of all.
    Out of all posts, advices of Rachel Rackal seemed personally most relevant to me. After the brief review of how will this course of math related to the “real world situations and problems”, Rachel split own advices for starting the class students into two categories. Each category is based on the type of students these advises are addressed to: those who “..enjoyed calculus and have a deep interest in mathematics” and those who “..does not have an interest in math..” I have found myself belonging to both of these categories but not entirely., by parts. I like all math and many calculus topics but these many are not all. Some of calculus and related to calculus topics I don’t like at all; I even hate to learn them. However, now, during this course of study, I will have to have deals with all of them. I will have to move forward with both of my categories of math equally, disregarding my own wills and preferences. That is why I found split into two different types advices of Rachel Rackal the most compatible and relevant to me. I need both types of Rachel’s advices and I feel that both types of Rachel’s advices, being adopted and followed properly are capable to move my education forward.
    Yes, I also found thar I can read and look like clearly understand even very complicated topics of a highest level math but reading Rachel’s comments I got one more confirmation that it wouldn’t ever be enought.. For all calculus topics which I like or don’t like I would very like to follow Rachel’s advice to remember that: “This class requires time and effort, math is not something you have to only read to understand but actually practice a lot a lot a lot of examples.” Even though, “Practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice gets you perfect scores and good grades, dedicate time.” The last one is my most favorite note over all other notes and direct advices of the “Advice For The Future”. I believe that this simple Rachel’s note may help me to work toward my final score in differential equations’ class even better then any other direct and concrete looking advices do for others. This note is the best base for my own concrete decisions on my way to ​success. I believe it will also work as a “general solution’ for any possible problem “initial value” of which, to find the “particular solution,” will also be given. The upcoming tests and exams of this class will no foubt reveal many of such “initial values” for finding the “particular solutions” to all possible problems in studying the material. All I need to do is to practice, practice and practice in finding the solutions.

  33. Jose Nunez

    it will have to be to review Calc 1 and 2 because its been almost two years since I have taken Calc 2. the advice that seemed relevant to me had to be by Angjelo Kuka “And lastly dont stress yourself out when test time comes around just keep calm or your paranoia will make you forget everything.” best thing to do is to get tutoring and give yourself a lot of time to study and try not to wait till the last day to study for a test

  34. Luanromo

    The best advice to my person is the one who wrote Gin Pena:

    “In terms of prior knowledge, I would say review the Calculus 2 material! Differential Equations heavily involves derivatives, integrals…, so by keeping Calculus 2 ready and fresh on the first day of class, it is more likely that Differential Equations will be much easier. If you want to make it even easier, don’t take a break from math for one semester like I did (biggest mistake).”

    I did the same. I took calc 1 and 2 almost 2 years ago and now I have to re-learn everything.
    I like math, but I have to practice a lot and review my old notes to improve my knowledge. I know it would be hard, but I know I have a good professor and at the end I will get a good grade.

  35. aidarous

    a. The comment Gina Pena made on making sure calc 1 and 2 is fresh and not waiting til the last minute to do work is most relevant to me. These problems are very time consuming and need to be done early on webwork since i struggle with the problems by stopping here and there to review my calculus and solve the homework at the same time.
    b. To succeed in this course, I must start on the webwork as soon as possible and practice practice practice extra problems on my own to become more fluid and have a better understanding of the material.

  36. John

    As many of my other classmates I can agree that reviewing Calc 1 and 2 is a crucial part in doing well in this class. As Gin Pena said:
    “In terms of prior knowledge, I would say review the Calculus 2 material! Differential Equations heavily involves derivatives, integrals, and more recently Taylor Series, so by keeping Calculus 2 ready and fresh on the first day of class, it is more likely that Differential Equations will be much easier. If you want to make it even easier, don’t take a break from math for one semester like I did (biggest mistake).
    In addition to that, constantly ask questions. If you don’t, there’s a good chance that the answer to that question could’ve helped you solve a problem on Webwork or on an exam. There’s an even higher chance that another student has the same question but doesn’t want to raise their hand up, so in a way you’re doing them a favor too. Finally, don’t save anything till last minute, no matter what class you take, this never works!”

    I completely agree with this person because I tend to leave everything at last minute. But according to what Gin said this isn’t quiet a great idea especially when it comes to Euler’s Equations. My biggest mistake was not doing my WebWork assignments, when little did I know that they would haunt me at the end.

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