UPDATE 2/21/17: Because Cooling problems were not covered in class today (Tuesday 2/21), I have changed the due date for Assignment 6-Modeling1-PopulationAndCooling to the following week (Tuesday, 3/7).  However, I strongly suggest that you complete problems 1, 2 and 3 prior to the exam (population problems).

Exam #1 will take place on Tuesday, 2/28, covering material through Sec 4.2.  A review sheet will be distributed on Tuesday, 2/21, and posted to the OpenLab.


WeBWorK:  none
NOTE: Assignments 6-Modeling1-PopulationAndCooling and 6b-Modeling2-FallingObjects will be due one week after the exam, on Tuesday 3/7 at midnight.
OpenLab:  none