OpenLab #3: Math in your future?

Most people go to college because they are trying to build a better future for themselves.  What job do you hope to get after college?  Imagine you have completed your college degree, and your education and experience have allowed you to obtain the job that you want.

With this job in mind, consider the following list of activities.  Which of them are you most likely to be asked to do as part of your new job?  Put them in order from most likely to least likely.  If you are uncertain, make your best guess based on your current knowledge and experience.

List of activities:

  1. Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
  2. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
  3. Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
  4. Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
  5. Solve an equation.
  6. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

Assignment (due Thursday, June 27th):

Respond to the above activity by leaving a comment in response to this post.  Your comment should include all of the following:

  1. What is your major?  What job are you hoping to get after graduation?
  2. From the list of activities above, give your ranking in order from “most likely to be required on your new job” to “least likely”.
  3. Discuss the first item on your list.  Do you think that this class will help prepare you to complete that task?  If so, how?  If not, what could be done in this class to help prepare you for that task?
  4. Discuss the last item on your list.  Do you think it is important to learn (even if you are not likely to use it at your job)?  Why or why not?

Extra Credit.  Comment on  someone else’s post.   Do you agree or disagree? Why?

54 thoughts on “OpenLab #3: Math in your future?

  1. Entertainment Technology Major, looking to work more events and shows.

    -Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    -Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    -Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    -Solve an equation.
    -Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    -Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.

    Myself specifically, no, because i’ve already been thinking about these things, but its great for someone who hasn’t before.

  2. 1.What is your major? What job are you hoping to get after graduation?
    My major is Law and Paralegal Studies. I hope to become a paralegal in either the field of family law or immigration.

    2.From the list of activities above, give your ranking in order from “most likely to be required on your new job” to “least likely”.
    -Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    -Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    -Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    -Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    – Solving equations and converting units are not apart of the job not in the field that I want to work in.

    3.Discuss the first item on your list. Do you think that this class will help prepare you to complete that task? If so, how? If not, what could be done in this class to help prepare you for that task?
    Well when I first look at a math problem I do brainstorm on how to solve the problem and that’s what this class is about. Often times problems look the same for example inequalities but there are different methods to solve them.

    4.Discuss the last item on your list. Do you think it is important to learn (even if you are not likely to use it at your job)? Why or why not?
    The last two items on my list are not used in the type of job I want to do but it is important to know for any math classes or just practical things in life when you use money etc.

    • I agree with your set up as well, but we need to meet and know the length of time we need to carry out a case base on the statute of limitation before brainstorming over the case issue and that was why I placed Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time, before the Brain storm in my response. But on the over all, I concur.
      Your last item was solving equations and converting units. Did you forget that when it comes to billable hours, we go by .5 to 15 minutes and so on? I would rather say it is not a major aspect of our field, but it is not undermined as well.
      Your response was awesome and I liked it.

      • When it comes to billable hours the attorney or someone in the accounting part of the firm would decide how much minutes and how much it would cost to bill a client. If the paralegal charged the clients they would be violating the ethics principles (UPL).

        • Not really, this takes place when you call or receive calls from clients on their existing issues on file. you have to put down the period of time you spent on every client’s issue. you time yourself while you do such task.

    • I really like the comment” Often times problems look the same for example inequalities but there are different methods to solve them” I believe this is not only true in our works environments but can be applied in our everyday lives as well. In my career choice Human Services, we are often taught that something may appear a certain way but we could be wrong in or analysis. We need to take our time and not jump to conclusions just because a mathematical problem looks similar to one another.. I also agree with you on the last statement. Although it is important to know mathematics for its practicality, I don’t see converting units or solving equations as a big part of my job in the future. I work in the field and so far, it hasn’t been.

  3. My major is Law and Paralegal Studies and I look forward to being an attorney or at the least be Paralegal personnel with strong legal background.
    – Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    – Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    – Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    – Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart).
    – Solve an equation.
    – Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    In regard to the first item, I would say this class would partly prepare me to complete the task. This is because the legal field is a field of great team work as the attorneys work hand-in-hand with the secretaries and paralegal personnel while handling any case. This class would be of held in the sense that it turns to be a team work with the Professor, students and tutoring section come together to reach a solution, which the success of the student. This helps the student get the work done on time or excel in the class.
    On the other hand, the last in the list, which is converting units, is not really a major part of the legal career. The only part of the career that works with unit conversion is the payable time section. Despite this, I still strongly believe this class has a big role to play in that aspect as well. I have never degraded math at all at any time due to the fact that I know its importance. The only weak point in math is the formulas, which does not seem to be flexible. It is either that one way or the answer is wrong.

    • I think that understanding the principles behind the formulas can help you set up the formulas properly so that you may benefit from them. If you don’t understand the basic principle and how to relate it to other instances I can see why you would have that perspective of inflexibility.

    • If you have a good and thorough understanding of the principles behind formulas, you may be able to relate it to infinite instances. I believe formulas are rather flexible, if you properly relate them to the problem in front of you.

  4. Most people go to college because they are trying to build a better future for themselves. What job do you hope to get after college? The job that I hope to get after completing school would involve setting policies and procedures on how certain non profit organizations are run. I am a Human Service major and as a direct care worker, I have seen funds misappropriated by directors of organizations, a lack of monitoring by the government for these programs and programs cut needlessly. I would want to be a part of ensuring closer monitoring on how monies is spent, ensuring the underserved is benefiting from services, ensuring directors are being honest and advocating for clients and ensuring they are being treated fairly.

    With this job in mind, consider the following list of activities. Which of them are you most likely to be asked to do as part of your new job? Put them in order from most likely to least likely. If you are uncertain, make your best guess based on your current knowledge and experience.

    List of activities:
    6.Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time
    3.Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    4.Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    2.Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    5.Solve an equation.
    1.Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).

    Discuss the first item on your list. Do you think that this class will help prepare you to complete that task? If so, how? If not, what could be done in this class to help prepare you for that task? The first item on my list is #6 Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

    I believe the class will prepare me for this task because without knowing how to do basic division, I will be unable to count, divide tasks among staff and set certain time lines. All of these factors are crucial to working in the social services field.

    Discuss the last item on your list. Do you think it is important to learn (even if you are not likely to use it at your job)? Why or why not? The last item on my list is #1 Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).

    The last item of converting a measurement from one type of units to another may not be as important in the Social Service field. Although numbers are looked at this particular issue may only apply when dealing with shelter space, room sizes in shelters etc. The information will be necessary to know at some point in time but not certain if it would be a part of my administrative work. If however I am wrong and it is part of my position, this math class would have taught me how to covert units and I’d pride myself in implementing that information into my job duties.

    Extra Credit. Comment on someone else’s post. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

    • “I would want to be a part of ensuring closer monitoring on how monies is spent, ensuring the underserved is benefiting from services, ensuring directors are being honest and advocating for clients and ensuring they are being treated fairly”

      I agree, advocating for the undeserved population is important. This goes hand in hand with collecting data and statistics(Census). Determining the amount of funds received in each state is solely based on population and resources. It is upsetting when funds are used to benefit the directors instead of the undeserved population. I wish you the best of luck in advocating fair treatment for all clients.

  5. 1) Hospitality Management, I’d like to be a Magazine Writer in the Lifestyle/ Food/ Entertainment section

    2) 6-Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    4- Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    Solve an equation.
    3-Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    1-Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    2-Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    5-Solve an equation.

    3) Although it would depend greatly on the situation and the probable circumstances, the following principles would allow for my success in most real world scenarios:
    take steps to
    solve problem
    find the solution
    check the solution
    and either try again or put the plan into action
    4) Even though solving equations is at the bottom of my list I has probably been the one mathematical principle which has helped me the most thus far in my life. I already do it well and I’m glad I practice and continue to learn more instances in which solving equations is the solution to a moment in daily life.

    • I agree with your very last answer, about ” solving equation is the solution to a moment in daily life”. The reason, is because without even knowing we do math, maybe we do it a weird, different way but there is problems that indicate equation that we use. For example, when we are driving and we need to get to a place and we don’t know we estimate how far it will take from point A to point B and if we were way off we just saved that amount of time. From a GPS, to how long it takes to one place to another, from looking at the market going down, seeing the temperature going up or down, when we go to the store. buy clothes, making a desicion math is there.

  6. 1) My major is Communication Designs, I would love to be able to work in the Packaging design area.

    The list Of activity:
    3Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.

    6Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

    4Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)

    2Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.

    1Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).

    5Solve an equation.

    Yes, I believe that this help will help me prepare for what i need to do, because we have to think, use our knowledge , calculated amounts without making an error, getting a survey how they should be estimated. I believe this class, will not only help me out with the basic knowledge that i know, but improve the way i approach a task and actually being careful with my numbers.

    Although i believe solving equations is the least ill be dealing with, at the same time i believe i will be using it in some sort of way. Even if its not with my career, however tutoring or giving someone younger on how to solve an equation, is were ill be best at, or teaching someone to understand to always double check an answer. It will be helpful even when i think it won’t.

    • I think if you are focusing on Packaging Design solving equations, and converting units might come in handy. You have to pay attention to the bleeds and margins, and have a sense of how much is 1/8 of and inch etc. Sizing is important when it comes to packaging, you have to very precise to make sure that the packages when printed and trimmed fit exactly the way you intended them to fit.

      • I agree with you on converting units for Packaging Design. I did that course last semester and many times I had to turn to good old Google to find a conversion chart. The measurements MUST be precise or else you’re up against a brick wall.

  7. My major is Nursing, and I would like to specialize in neonatal/pediatrics.

    1)Converting units- As a nurse, you might have to convert different dosages into milliliters.
    2)Learn to use a computer- A computer is necessary to view a patient’s medical history, document the patient’s condition, order drugs, and submit doctor orders.
    3)Complete an assignment with a team- As a nurse, it is useful to divide responsibilities to ensure each patient is getting equal and proper care.
    4)Make a decision based on data- A chart is useful to help the nurse decide which patient is in need of urgent care.
    5)Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem- This can be useful when the nurse is helping the doctor decide which medical treatment best fits the patient.
    6)Solving an equation- I don’t see how solving an equation can be useful in a hospital setting.

    • i agree that you will need to know how to convert units of drugs for patients but with being that technology is so advanced, it is more likely you would use a computer system more than you would convert units of drugs. not objecting to your list off course just an observation.

      • I agree you need to use all the parts of math and they all play important role in nursing because you will be dealing with drugs and prescriptions and the conversion of units along with using the new system in the computer is really important as well.

  8. My major is Law and Paralegal Studies and I would like to continue being a paralegal after I graduate

    List of activities:
    1. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    2. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    3. Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has pluses and minuses.
    4. Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    5. Convert Units
    Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    6. Solve an equation.

    Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

    Yes it is important to learn and will help me complete my tasks as a paralegal as these are all important aspects of working in a firm learning to work as a team and what your responsibilities are in order to deliver the final product is very important especially to an attorney.

    The last item on my list which is to solve an equation I do not think is important to learn in order to be a paralegal as it is not something that I have ever had to do as a paralegal so far and do not believe I will ever have to use it.

  9. My major is Human Services. My ultimate goal is obtaining a master’s degree and completing 3,000 hours of clinical work. After the required clinical hours I will go for proper licensure that will officially grant me the profession of Psychotherapist in the state of New York.

    List of activities ranked from most likely to least.

    -Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has pluses and minuses.
    -Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    -Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    -Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    -Solve an equation.
    -Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).

    Brainstorming and finding solutions can be applied at my future job and also in my everyday life. Outwaying the pros and cons leads to better solutions. For example, brainstorming different types of therapies ( rational emotive therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, or psychoanalytic therapy) and choosing the most effective for each client can be based on the probability principles we learned in class.

    Even though unit conversion is the last item on my list, I believe that it is still important to learn the concept. I doubt I will be using it everyday in my future job but it will come in handy when I travel.

    • hi Silvia , I’m glad someone else wants to get their master’s degree in Human Services too. I don’t really hear a lot of people talk about masters degrees in human services. I know we can get the master’s with hard work !!!!! You sound like you have a plan….

  10. My major is Health Service Administration and I plan to return to the military and work as a clinic manager after am through with college. The appropriate activity pertaining to my filed would be number three (3), brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    Next, complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time. Next, make a decision based on data. Then, it would be learning to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to me, and then complete a task on that system. Then, Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another). Finally and least important is solving an equation.

  11. 1-My major is architecture and I hope to get involve in many project after I graduate.
    2-Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    Solve an equation.
    Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    3-I think this class will help prepare you to complete any task.
    4-I think it is important to learn this thing even if you are not likely to use it at your job, at some point in life you will have to use it.

  12. 1)Hospitality Management. I’d like to be culinary chef in hotel.
    2)-Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    -Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    -Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    3) First when we make a recipes the convert units are very important. It helps to know how much do we need and also when we range the price it helps a lot too.
    4) The last two are also important. When we are in the kitchen team work are very important and the ‘make a decision based on data’ are just important I our life. Also if I become head chef it gives me information about how does people think about my food.

    • Hey Jang that’s my major too and I graduate in Fall 2013. What year are you in the program? Your list of activities is spot on, that’s definitely how I would list them in that order if I wanted to be a chef at a major hotel. Good luck to you and if need too know anything about the courses in the Hospitality department just let me know ok.

  13. I hardly think that I’m going to need any math in my field of work.I honestly think it’s a plot for the school to get more money, however the fact that math is used on a daily basis, it could be useful to learn. After getting my bachelor in Human Services I plan to get a PHD in psychiatrist, so maybe statistics might apply to my field, not sure.Learning to use a new computer system,I think brainstorming and decide the best course of treatment for my client will apply, make a decision base on data, complete a team work assignment with colleague, finding time and divide responsibilities. Solving an equation and converting units seriously? but it will able me to help my daughter with her homework so that’s a blessing.

    • I disagree with that comment, your going to need math through life, we think that it’s unimportant. but just think when you go to the grocery store your checking to see if the cashier cheated you, or if their is a sale at Macy your checking to see if you got your 25% plus your discount. So math play a important part of our daily lives.

    • I would also disagree with your comment as the other Regina did. But for a different reason, You mentioned becoming a Psychiatrist which involves getting acceptance into Med school and once a Psychiatrist or Psychologist you would need a lot of Statistics and Brainstorming for the best options and the cons and pros of many issues related to the patients’ care. For Instance understanding and analyzing information is statistics and that will be present to you all the time in that field. Let’s say A well-known Doctor thinks children who don’t eat candy lollipops in their childhood will be more likely to suffer from major depression in their teen. We would take 10 who benefited and 10 who didn’t and we’ll see throughout their teens if the doctor’s take on Lollipops and teen depression is accurate or at least a possible explanation having the statistical information and probability analyzed.

  14. My name is Jorge Talavera, for this Lab questions I think I can’t respond exactly what the professor is asking for because I want to be a missionary or pastor. When I started to studying in college I decided to study hospitality management, but now that I am almost finish with this degree I found out that is not what I want to do for the rest of my life. Next year I will graduate and then I will start a new degree which will be theology and then I would like to become a missionary or pastor. So I am not sure if this class will help me in those fields, but for sure this class is a challenges for me because make me think when I resolving the problems and I really enjoy to take this course.

    God Bless all 🙂

    • Hey those are pretty cool goals. My sister is a missionary and she uses math to calculate her budget. Also she converts units because not all countries accept US dollars. So you would need conversion aspect of math. And as a pastor if you want to have your own church you would need to be good at percentages because you would need to know how much would the down payment be on buying a new building. Also you would need to know the simple operations in order to pay the bills for the church building.

    • I agree. Math can be very challenging sometimes but it is enjoyable. It takes a lot of practicing and determination. I wish you all the best on your journey to becoming a missionary or pastor. Keep the faith and go forth with confidence. Blessings to you too!

  15. 1) My major is Human Services.. I have a 8 year plan. I hope to obtain 4 year degree (bachelor) in social work. Then I would like to land a job in Family Planning/Women Services, maybe something non-profit.While working there, l would go back to school and work towards my first & second masters degree. I don’t think I really need a lot of math in this path.

    2)-Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    As a social worker you may have a client that doesn’t know how to measure out his or her own food because they are disable you may have to show them, and plus the doctor may have put them on a diet so every thing has to be measured.
    In human services you may have a few clients or you may have a lot. When math and human service do come together it is useful because is helps when you know how to divide, add, subtract, multiply the data. It helps make charts. If the company I was working for did a survey about women and children I could collet data and make a line graph or bar graph or pie graph based on the data we found.

    3)Discuss the first item on your list. Do you think that this class will help prepare you to complete that task? If so, how? If not, what could be done in this class to help prepare you for that task?
    Yes because in this weeks class I learned about Measurements. I learned more in detail about measurements and how to convert units. However I need to study more on it ; ). It not just feet, foot and inches, and yards alone its more to the matter. I will need that to teach my clients about weights and balance of food.

    4.Discuss the last item on your list. Do you think it is important to learn (even if you are not likely to use it at your job)? Why or why not?
    Yes, Yes , and Yes because if you don’t know how to measure things you won’t have a balance. Thing in your life will be off balance and you will be off track.I think it is one of the most important things to learn. We do this everyday measure things out. Ex : food. However, I might not use every measuring system but is something for me to teach new mothers in my area of social work.

  16. The reason for me returning to college was motivated by my children, and my job because new requirements. My children was very young when I started college, but now that they are much older and require less of me. I’ve always thought about returning and obtaining a degree in early childhood education, after ten or so years I received my Associates degree in Applied Science under education. That was one of many moments that made me want more.
    When and after receiving my first degree it was like eating the sweeties piece of chocolate candy and wanting more. So that is why there was a need to obtain more, so that is why I find myself here at NYCCT going for another degree and new major in Human Services. A Bachelor degree. My first degree is in Applied Science from Kingsborough. I was working with infants& toddlers, to understand how to co-operate with others, share, problem solve, master self help skills and other cognitive , social development skills. This was what you would say that I needed at that job was problem solving equations when helping children understand how to cooperate with others and in a group.
    Now that I’ve made a new career change, to Human Service field helping older population with all kinds of support and self sufficient. The order of which I would tackle my new career using a mathematical blue print that would help me to be and better manage myself when helping those achieve optimal living starting with from greatest to lease.
    1. To make a decision based on the data gathered from my client
    2. To learn the use of a computer system that is unfamiliar to me because many agencies have different programs. So that I can complete tasks.
    3.Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has pluses and minuses from a clients needs from greatest to less. We would work on that together.
    4.Complete and assignment homework with client on better ways to attack stressor problem with new way of attacking them then previously. Dividing responsibility when tackle the problem and better ways in solving them we will work together. We will both be held accountable for following through
    5. Solve an equation
    6. Completing assignments for both the client and the counselor ( Prof. Reitz) and closing, ending with a team a several others including finding time to reassure clients that we are working together to help you to finish tasks and keep focus of deadlines. So we keep them aware of closing and assignments that are coming to a close. That will help them to become better and productive citizens .

  17. My major is Hospitality Management and my area of focus is culinary arts. After graduation I’m planning to work in major resort hotel as executive chef for about 3-5 years and then I plan on opening my own restaurant. So my list of activities in the order I think I would need for my goals are:
    1. Convert units ( convert a measurement from one type of units to another.
    2. Make a decision based on data ( for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    3. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    4. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time
    5. Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions each of which has plusses and minuses
    6. Solve an equation

    The first item on my list of converting units will help me emencely in being a executive chef and a owning a restaurant because you will have to always convert recipes into larger or smaller units. This math class will help in those equations because it gets you acquainted with using the metric system and converting between English and European measuring systems.
    The last item on my list solve an equation is kind of general in my chosen field. In the culinary field you will always be solving some type of an equation. So I think it’s very important to learn how to solve equations mathematicly or other ways because you will be doing it in all areas of your life. So this class is just the beginning of our journey in solving equations.

  18. My major is Human Services and my aim is to get a masters in this field. I hope to become a social worker and either work in a school as a guidance counselor or in the hospital, managing cases of patients. I don’t think I need to deal with a lot of math in my job but I will need the basics starting from most likely using to least likely using:
    1.Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    2.Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    3.Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    4.Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    5.Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    6.Solve an equation.
    I think that this class has prepared me to do group work and work together with different people and get the job done. Its actually quite interesting and good to work with different people and get to know how the perceive a problem and what ideas or solutions they have about it. Even though I will not be dealing with much of equations in my career I still think its important for me to know how to solve them because I don’t know I might just need to use them sometime in my life either with helping my children or changes of jobs.

    • i agree with you 100% and as human service majors we have the best interest in helping others and providing the outreach for our populations we wish to work with, this class is helpful in working in groups and getting to know the many people in our class. We need to know how to be open to everybody (in a respectful and profession manner) and listening to the ideas others bring to the table.

  19. 1. My major is Communication Design, focused on Web Design. When I’m done with school I ideally would like to work as a web designer/developer.
    2. – Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.
    – Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has pluses and minuses.
    – Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    – Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    – Solve an equation.
    – Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    3. I think this class will prepare me for completing the number 1 activity I listed. We often are put into groups to try to figure out the problems on our own, we assign a scribe, so that people have different tasks to do.
    4. Being able to read data is useful in a lot of different fields. Everyone is looking for client’s satisfaction, and that is achieved by doing some research, figuring out who’s the audience and what the audience is looking for. Most of this information is collected through surveys.

    • Hey, I also am majoring in Communication Design. I agree with the order you have chosen. It was very similar to my list. Being able to work well with others is a very crucial skill I have come to learn. The ability to navigate through a conversation with someone who you have little to no prior experience with can prove to be very beneficial. Being able to delegate responsibility effectively is a skill which few are able to execute. Although when it is done correctly. Work tends to get done in a more efficient and pleasant manner.

  20. Open Lab #3 Math in your Future – Kenneth M. John

    The major I am perusing is in Graphic Design /Advertising.

    These are the list of activities I would most likely use.

    1. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including; finding and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing
    their part, delivering the final product on time.

    2. Brainstorm a variety of responses and decide among several solutions.

    3. Make decision based on data.

    4. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar with the aim of completing
    a task on that system.

    5. Solve an equation.

    6. Convert units.

    I would like to procure employment in a field which encompasses Graphic
    Design/Advertising / Photography since I already have an Associate Degree
    in Photography.

    The Teamwork which we performed in this class augurs well and complies
    with the first item on my list. The advertising, graphic design and photographic
    fields demand that many people from different departments interact with each
    other. I am confident that the teamwork in which I indulged, has prepared me
    for my success in the workplace.
    Equations are very important. We must always assess commodities and this
    fact, in some form or fashion, measures up to an equation which is or =

  21. My major is Communications Design. After graduation I haven’t quite decided where I’d like to work. Although I do know that I am interested in what I have been learning. I never had an art background or any prior experience in this field. In spite of this I still felt that it was something I could enjoy doing. The things I could see myself being required to do most are 6. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time. 2. Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses. 2. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system. 4. Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart) 1. Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another). 5. Solve an equation. I believe that taking MAT 1180 will help contribute to my development as a student and my ability to work well with others. Working in groups with my peers in order to solve an equation, and working together to arrive at an agreed upon conclusion serves as good practice for the real world. Although I don’t believe I will be doing many complex computations in my field. I do feel that learning basic algebra and geometry it is an important skill to have. I believe that it will still prove useful in many unexpected situations. In some way all of these skills can serve an important purposes in the workplace and in your private life.

  22. Rojano, Lissette
    My major is human services and once i obtain my PHd in child psychology i would want to have my own organization for this specific population. I do not know exactly what the main focus would be but my goal is to outreach and provide the correct care for the children and family. children are the future and it breaks my heart to see children being raised the wrong way in low income communities we need more outreach and provide those facts to parents who don’t have the resources. We are all one and we need to help our brothers and sisters, the development of a child is detrimental to how our future will become and the success they can achieve.
    In addition to how the list of activities will be used the most include:
    Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including:
    # 6- (finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.) with this being used most often, because gathering all the people working in a healthy environment and making sure our service is great with all our clients. Equality is important and the work needs to be done evenly and within a certain time range. This is the most important factor in any career in order to run any company/business. It’s about leadership, communication, and doing the right thing for all people. Respect and dignity should be on top all the time, because nobody should feel less in any type of way or form.
    The least to be used would be,
    #1- (Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another). i wont be working with measurement unless the child or parent needs help in reading a prescription or if they have any questions.
    But the whole list of activities is needed because it is the basic in math and being prepared no matter what. In my opinion if i am going to learn i want to know the basics of everything of even much more with the time available. Education is very important and many others don’t have that opportunity we have. Nothing that is learned in college is any less or more, the smarter and knowledgeable the better! We are constantly learning until the day we no longer breathe in this earth.

  23. 1) My major is Paralegal and Legal Studies, I’m planing on completing my B.A and apply to Masters Programs in Criminology and Behavior Sciences. In the Process of doing so I’d like to find a job and intern in places related to crime and investigations.

    5.Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).
    4.Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.
    1.Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.
    2.Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)
    6.Solve an equation.
    3.Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

    3) I think my first one of the least can be easily seeing in this class with all the statistics and probability part of the class. Many of the aspects of Statictics are present in Criminology and I can be heavily help with this kind of material. For example knowing the probability of a crime been committed at a given neirborhood or time.

    4) I don’t think that Solving an equation will be used as much in the field I would like to work. However I feel as if every single one of them will be required to be performed by me at any giving point. Solving an equation can be the least likely, but I surely want to develop the right amount of knowledge and be prepared for it.

  24. My major is Art & Advertising design and my dream is to become a professional graphic designer. I’m also interested in becoming an event planner.


    1. Brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses.

    2. Convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another).

    3. Make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart)

    4. Solve an equation.

    5. Learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to you, and then complete a task on that system.

    6. Complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time.

    I picked “brainstorm a variety of responses…” as my first choice based on my experience with courses like typography and packaging design. Before starting any project, you have to be able to create new ideas and visualize products. However, my last choice is “complete an assignment with a team of several people…” because I know that I personally have to adapt skills and techniques, step by step or else I’m lost. As for the group work in the class, I think it’s a great idea. We help each other and it’s also nice to interact with my classmates.

  25. My major is Health Service Administration. Im hoping to get a entry level job as an Administrator in a well established Hospital. I suppose the first thing that i will have to do is: learn to use a computer system that I know nothing about. Then I will probably be faced with a variety of problems and solutions that I’ll have to analyze and decide on whats the best route for the company. Third, I will have to complete an assignment with a team, finding the time and place to meet, divide responsibilities, making sure everyone is doing their part, and get things done. fourth, make decisions based on data. Fifth, I may have to convert units. With what I’ve learned in class about converting numbers and analyzing charts using topics like standard deviation, I’ll be able to make smart decisions.

    Wether or not, anyone will ever have to use what we learn in class at work, it will surely be needed on an every day basis, like when it comes to purchasing a home or buying a car. Also when running a business and dealing with banks. Learning is important. With the way times are changing, people cant afford to survive without learning how to think critically and manage financially.

  26. My current major is Hospitality Management. Im hoping once I graduate to obtain a job as a front desk person. I believe that at this job I would have to do step two which is learn to use a computer system that is unfamiliar to me, and then complete a task on that system. I know that working at a hotel all programs are different from one another, in knowing this I feel that this class wouldn’t be able to help me with the computer program chosen by the hotel but this class could give me confidence to ask the questions needed to be asked once im in my field. Secondly I would have to say brainstorm a variety of responses to a problem and decide among several solutions, each of which has plusses and minuses. Thirdly complete an assignment with a team of several people, including: finding a time and place to meet, dividing responsibilities, making sure everyone is completing their part, delivering the final product on time. Fourth make a decision based on data (for example: a list of responses to a survey, a list of numbers, a table, or chart). Fifth and not too likely to happen in this position convert units (convert a measurement from one type of units to another). Last but not really something done in this position solve an equation.The solving of equations step would more be for the accountants then for a frontdesk person but I don’t feel like its less important though because just because I don’t need it at that current time doesn’t mean I won’t ever need it. So of course it should still be taught because sometimes you just don’t know where you can end up in your career and what you may have learned in the past can help you

  27. My major is hospitality management I want to work in the restaurant management company.
    I think if I got restaurant management job, I would working for research about my company restaurant. For example how much make a money and how much spend money. Yes ! Math, this class will help my work position. Now I am working at restaurant kitchen our restaurant is very fine dining restaurant. Our amount of food preparing is change every day. So we have to calculate, convert, costing for the ingredients. I use math every day. Math is important people who want to get a life with any plan. Because when people start makes a plan, we have to need to calculate about time, money, and something. That is why math is important.

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