OpenLab Assignment #1: Mathography

This assignment is due Thursday, June 13th, at the start of class.  Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment.  Choose ONE of the following two topics.  Write a comment in reply to this post (click “Leave a Reply” below), responding to the topic in 1-2 paragraphs.  Begin by telling us which topic you chose.   Be sure to include your name so I can give you credit.


  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. If such a time happened for you, tell about it. If you did not experience such a thing, tell about your steady feelings about mathematics.

Extra Credit.  For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments.  Do you feel the same?  Did you learn anything?  Do you have any advice?  Be kind.

Why are we doing this, anyway?  Having progressed this far in your school career, you are familiar with many of the tools for learning math:  studying, practicing by doing problems, asking questions when you need help, and so on.  I’d like to talk about two activities that may NOT seem related to learning math — but research shows that engaging in these activities can dramatically increase the amount that you learn, and change the way you learn it.  The first is writing – something not typically associated with mathematics.  When you express your ideas in words, it forces you to think them through very carefully, detail by detail.  A great way to check and see if you really understand something is to try to explain it to someone else, either out loud or in writing.  Example: if you know how to add fractions, try teaching it someone who doesn’t know how.  The second is called metacognition, or “thinking about thinking.”  This happens when you think about what was going on in your head while you were working on a problem or trying to learn a new idea.  What train of thought did you follow?  Where did you get stuck, and what did you do next?  What were you feeling at the time? and so on.  Combining writing and metacognition can be a tremendously powerful tool in identifying the ways we learn best and the ways we make mistakes, and learning to improve.  However, like any skill, it takes practice.  That’s why we’re getting started by writing a little about our past experiences with mathematics.

52 thoughts on “OpenLab Assignment #1: Mathography

  1. Hello Class,
    My name is Sandra but you can all call me Cami. I chose the second topic to discuss. I have had two instances in which I changed my perspective in mathematics. I grew up with great confidence in math, great understanding until I took a calculus class in college. This class was taught by a foreigner who did not express complex theorems thoroughly due to his lack of fluency. I am not originally from the US either, so I understood that was the best he could do in English. I tried everything I could to understand all these new concepts. I always went to class, spoke to him after class, went to independent study groups, and tutoring sessions twice a week. I was more dedicated in this class than any other, and I never understood a thing. When the final came around, it took me about 10 minutes to finish an exam that was supposed to take at least 45 minutes. You may thing that this was due to my hard work and great understanding in the subject after all the effort I put in and the extra hours I spent outside of class reviewing the material. The truth is, that I failed the class! I was so confused by all the numbers on the board and my homework, I never quite understood it. It was a whole other language to me. This killed my math confidence and since I decided NOT to focus on a business major because I thought, I stink at math. However, recently I discovered a book by chance at Barnes and Noble called, “The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math From One to Infinity” by Steven H. Strogatz. I picked it up and within the first chapter or two, I learned that just because I wasn’t confident in math didn’t mean I couldn’t comprehend it. I also learned that ith that I didn’t understand the concepts how it was being taught to me. I learned that I am an auditory learner probably more so than a visual learner, and by reading just bits and pieces of this book, I also realized that I understand math concepts better when they are related to events, life, or more concrete subjects. I learned some really cool logical stuff about the development of math altogether that I was fascinated with, and realized, I am now interested in learning math, not just because I have to, but because I want to and I like a challenge. Fun fact about me: When I do math I do it in spanish. I catch myself all the time and it weirds me out. I wonder why my brain does that!

    • ” I was so confused by all the numbers on the board and my homework, I never quite understood it. It was a whole other language to me. This killed my math confidence…”

      I completely agree. Math sometimes looks like another language and can be a confidence crusher. It is uncomfortable going into class and not knowing what is going on. I am glad that you didn’t let math bring you down and that you have seen some positive aspects in math.

  2. Topics #1.Was math ever your favorite subject?

    It must be agreed upon that it is nice for every human being, male or female to know his/her weak point in life. Some people are great at writing, some at reading, and some at calculating, while others are great at analyzing facts. The truth is everybody has a bit of every one of these skills but the levels differ. One may also develop any of these skills through any kind of encouragement; good teacher, good advice, physical experience or even condition or situation of things at work. This could turn out to create the individual’s love for math and subsequently making it his or her favorite skill or favorite subject if in school.
    Unfortunately, Math has never been my favorite subject at all. Though I do not heat it, I believe my weak point lies on the fact that I am more into writing and analysis (art courses rather than science), hence my choice of major in school ; Law and Paralegal studies. Though everything has an atom of math in it, I am yet to meet a great person who would help coach me and bring me into developing love for math skills. I do not really seem to like the calculation aspect of math because it seems to have a one-way-traffic thing known as formula. To me, the formula does not really seem to say everything about the mathematical problem or method due to the fact that math is easy at the beginning but it more complicated as it goes higher and failure is inevitable once any step of the formula is missed.

    • I forgot to include my name on my post and I am sorry for that. Here I am reposting it.

      My name is Muhammad Okoroha.

      Topics #1.Was math ever your favorite subject?

      It must be agreed upon that it is nice for every human being, male or female to know his/her weak point in life. Some people are great at writing, some at reading, and some at calculating, while others are great at analyzing facts. The truth is everybody has a bit of every one of these skills but the levels differ. One may also develop any of these skills through any kind of encouragement; good teacher, good advice, physical experience or even condition or situation of things at work. This could turn out to create the individual’s love for math and subsequently making it his or her favorite skill or favorite subject if in school.
      Unfortunately, Math has never been my favorite subject at all. Though I do not heat it, I believe my weak point lies on the fact that I am more into writing and analysis (art courses rather than science), hence my choice of major in school ; Law and Paralegal studies. Though everything has an atom of math in it, I am yet to meet a great person who would help coach me and bring me into developing love for math skills. I do not really seem to like the calculation aspect of math because it seems to have a one-way-traffic thing known as formula. To me, the formula does not really seem to say everything about the mathematical problem or method due to the fact that math is easy at the beginning but it more complicated as it goes higher and failure is inevitable once any step of the formula is missed.

      • Hi Muhammad,

        Thanks for the post! One thing in math that gives many people trouble is interpreting word problems, which really comes down to comprehending things written in the English language. This is a skill that has some crossover with Law, as there is a lot of abstract language there that must be carefully understood. Not sure if this will help you or not, but it’s something to keep an eye on as we move through the course!

  3. Hi my name is Nathalie Jones
    I choose question # 2
    I never liked mathematics. It never made since to me Until recently when I took a course at NYCCT; the professor was excellent and he explained everything in plain old English. He made the class so easy to understand, I was baffled to find out that I’m not as bad as I thought I was. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. I realized I have to put extra work into it if I want to succeed in that field. Math is such a triplicate subject in my book; that’s why I’m taking it in the summer semester for it’s the only class I have thus all my focus could be in it. Hopefully by the time I leave this class my opinion will not falter about the subject.

      • Hey natihalie, i just wanted to agree with you on when you say that you are taking math in summer because you just want to focus on one thing. Thats my reason for taking math this summer, because it were i get to understand the subject even more.

    • Hi Natalie,
      since I sit next to you in class, I can see how determined you are to succeed in the class and your enthusiasm has also been encouraging to me. I think what you said is true, some professors sound as if they are speaking a foreign language when often times it can be simplified. This would defiantly be more helpful for people like myself who struggles with math anxiety at times.

  4. Hi class my name is Kamran but you can call me Kam, math has always been my subject from since sophomore year in high school, my math teacher back then was this French guy, who, even though had a strong accent, was able to articulate the curriculum in a way that was very comprehensible, throughout the class I achieved high grades of 85, 90 and 95; I have always been good at doing math, only sometime I find myself rushing that I make simple errors. What I like about math is the fact that I feel my brain working when I am trying to compute math problems; what I also find fascinating is that math is in everything you do from timing how long it takes you to get to school- how long you want to spend doing homework.
    If you guys have any questions about a math problem feel free to ask me, if there is something you don’t understand or are confused about I will be more than happy to help.

    • I am glad to have another student in class who actually likes math and willing to help others. I will look for you if I have a question. Thanks for offering. We all need each others support.

    • I also have encountered problems with rushing to finish my work and making simple errors. I agree that math can feel rewarding when you complete a long equation to arrive at a correct answer. I’m happy to see that others have had similar issues and still done well. Thanks offering your assistance by the way

  5. Hey,

    My name is Jessica Ortega. I choose to write about the first topic given :Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was always one of my favorite subjects, especially during highschool and when it got more complex. It was a great experince learning per-cal, and caluclus because i enjoy formulas and learning something complex. I enjoy finding an answer to a problem, when it involoves a formula, especially when i did so much for just a simple number at the end, i feel accomplish and good when i am done and get it right, becasue thats when i understand what i am doing. I know to many people they dont like it,but everyone has there weakness and there strength. Even thought i dont understand a math problem, i still try untili cant anymore, and ask for help. I recently started to use YouTube as a number one source in understanding any math questions i have, the internet became one close source to finding a solution to any math problem i have. Both give examples in how to find the question you have. One of my weakness is word problems, because math has a language of its own, and its math terms, that sometimes confuse me. I am a type of person that didnt look back at my work and just rushed my work. I relaized last summer that taking time in an exam and loooking back is one of your bestfriends. Now everytimes i take a math exam or any, i always finish and make pertend to take it over, because this helps me see any mistakes that i could have made. Althought math is one of my favorite subject, it doesnt mean that i understand, but i enjoy all the effort i put into the problem, and confusion that i have because, this is the reason i enjoy math, it makes me think use my brain and put it to work until i get it. Sometimes math, makes me want to pull out my hair and give up, but i know that it makes me learn and work.

  6. Hello my name is Silvia Castillo and I am responding to question number 1. Math has never been my favorite subject but I remember enjoying it during my initial years in elementary. I enjoyed math when it was not complicated, during kindergarten and first grade. When I was in kindergarten I recall playing with shapes and cube connectors; this seemed like play time instead of math thus making it fun. All the colorful shapes and quirky cube numbers caught my attention and I learned without being forced to learn.
    After those years, the colorful shapes, puzzles, and linking cubes where not part of the curriculum. This made math less fun and more rigid. This caused me to focus less and therefore not grasp the material quickly. Classes became robotic with endless textbooks and endless information. All of this was too much for me and in High school I suffered from what I call “the math blur”. The math blur was the stage in my life when I literally went to class and left completely confused and unaware of what I had just learned. Luckily, with determination and practice I learned how to get myself out of that stage and into a more comfortable stage in math. Math is currently not a subject I excel in, but I am willing to try because trying it better than not trying at all.

      • Yeah, I completely agree with you on everything you said there, Silvia. I always grew up thinking that math isn’t something that’s meant to be easy and that’s what contributed to that “math blur” you were talking about.

  7. Andrea Collazos
    Topic #1 Was math ever your favorite subject?

    Math has never been my favorite subject and honestly, I hate it! Since I was a child, I always had a very difficult time doing math. I think this is because I haven’t properly learned the basic fundamentals. Specifically, I have trouble in interpreting word problems and percentages. I’ve taken and passed Math 1175, Math 1275 and Math 1272, therefore Math 1180 isn’t a requirement, however, I decided to take it anyways in hopes of relearning basic math skills. It’s vital for me to refresh my math skills because it’s essential in Nursing. In order for me to get in the Nursing program, I need to pass a test called TEAS. This test consists of science, reading, English and math. I have taken the test two times and have passed everything EXPECT math! I am determined to pass this test this upcoming fall semester even if it kills me, and hopefully this class can help me achieve my goal.

  8. Hello All:
    I choose topic #1.

    Q.Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    A .Math has never been my favorite subject because it involves remember many formulas and rules. If one formula or rule is forgotten, the final solution is wrong. Math also has never been my favorite subject because it is my opinion that there are many math professor/enthusiasts but not many that can help others become excited about math or teach the subject properly, like any subject. If a math professor cannot properly teach others or get his/her students excited about learning the topic, students most likely will continue to dislike math.

    • I also agree with you because math has been very hard for me too. all the formulas and even a little mistake can give you a wrong answer and your final answer can end up being wrong. but I believe you should try working hard and do extra practice and you will hopefully get it.

    • Hi Cassandra,
      It is good to know that there is at least one person that shares my idea and feelings about math. But the good thing is that Prof. Reitz has given what I think is a great advise and I will determine to stick to it, and that is math’s similitude with some legal language. If you understand it, you understand the need and know what to do. As he said, “This is a skill that has some crossover with Law, as there is a lot of abstract language there that must be carefully understood.”
      I think putting a little more effort to it would help see us through.

  9. Hello, my name is Scott Markowitz and I am responding to question #1. Personally math has been very back and fourth for me, There were times in which I did well in math and other times which were not so great. The times I did well were typically the more memorable ones. In a time such as this was when math was my favorite subject. This was during my junior year of high school There were three main reasons for this. Firstly the teacher I had during that year was excellent at explaining the information to the class in a way in which I was clearly able to understand. Throughout school I seemed to encounter a recurring issue of having math teachers with heavy accents. This usually translate into an inability to focus and absorb the material. Having teacher who was able to speak clearly allowed me to excel during that year. Secondly, working with classmates who were motivated created an environment which was conducive to learning. Lastly was the time of day I took the class. Math was scheduled right after lunch. This ensured I always got to class on a full stomach with a slight satisfaction. Theses three things culminated together to make math one of my favorite subjects that year.

  10. Topic #1
    Hello Class my name is Basil Williams most people call me Will. I Was good at math up until 10th grade. Math itself is not to difficult but I have come to base some of my success in math on the professors. Believe it or not the delivery from the instructor is very important. I also like taking math classes in the summer, it is fast paced but, what I learn that week, I get tested on it the next week, most times the material is still fresh in my mind. Depending on how many math classes I need for a major there is a high probability I wont choose that major if there is a lot of math involved.

    • I agree 100% Basil. The instructor play a major role on wether or not the subject will be difficult. If the instructor knows how to explain the steps and the thinking process, then every student will be ok.

  11. Topic#1
    Hello my name is Shumaila Nasir and I am a college student. Math has always been my weakest subject of all times. I never understood the concepts of math starting from simple fractions. I always got confused and even till now I am taking a higher math I still have trouble with it. I was in remedial math for 2 semesters and hardly pulled myself out of it. I took a lot of tutoring and practiced several problems in order to pass my tests. I believe its up to the teacher and the way he/she teaches math to the student in order for them to get it. the teacher has to be a n attention grabber and help students and encourage them to do better. I realized with great practice and hard work you can do better. At the end of he day I still try to avoid and escape any math class because it brings a lot of stress. I could only take it as only one class not along with other classes because I need to dedicate all my time in to it and not worry about other courses.

    • I complete agree with you Shumaila, I also believe that learning math has a lot to do with the teacher. I have been in situations where teachers seem to believe you need to teach yourselves. I have also had teachers who are motivated and explain clearly in a way I’ve understood and done well in. Math does not always have to be so complicated if taught in a way that is understandable.

  12. Kenneth M. John.
    Mathematics has always been a difficult subject for me to negotiate,
    nevertheless I am fascinated by the discipline. It is a task for me to indulge in mathematics. I encounter serious problems in many aspects of graphing.
    y = mx +b is my mathematical nightmare among other things. My mental faculties are entangled by the web of graphs and grids. I hope that this course will rid my brains of the mathematical impasses lodged therein. Professor Reitz your exuberance in divulging information is clear and unsurpassed. I hope that this class will expel the mathematical clutter from my brain.

    Kenneth M. John

    • Hi Kenneth….
      When it comes to graphing, and y = mx +b and other math problems I know sometime it can be confusing with all the rules to remember. I know how you feel… I know we are not the only one in the class that feel the same way about. however I feel like what Professor Reitz said if you have a question just asks cause other people in the class have the same questions too.

    • Hi Kenneth, I totally agree with you. The graphs and grids are complicated and scary to deal with sometimes. Keep in mind that we’re here to help each other and with hard work and determination, we’ll pass this course.

    • Hello Kenneth
      This is Marquetta and I defintely understand your difficulties of graphing, because I’m having the same problems too but I think Prof Reitz is trying to make it easier for us to understand. Stay positive and upbeat we are going to make it!

  13. Hi, My name is Anthony G. I’m writing this paragraph in regards to topic #1. Math have always been my favorite subject. I love calculating answer’s and trying to figure out new problems. I’m no expert at it but it appeals to me. The thinking process that’s envolved and everything. Since I was in Junior High School, Math class have always been the the one class I look forward to going to. No other class would make sense to me. English is the worse class ever. Sometimes I tend to take a lot of time working on one problem but that’s because I know how tricky math can be. Every time I answer a big problem and get it right, it makes me feel like a mathematician.

    • Hi Anthony, I thought I was the only person who hates English. What a nightmare. My gosh! Math on the other hand is challenging but I would much prefer to spend many hours, day after day, trying to solve problems than write just two paragraphs for any english class.

      • Hey Anthony,
        i agree with you 100% i feel the same way after a very complex math problem. But, i also love English, i enjoy reading and learning new literature. The importance of math and English balance out evenly for me. the importance of being able to express yourself and using new terminology is exciting for me as well But the good thing in math, is taking your time, because i don’t like to rush either. see you in class.
        *by the way did you continue to talk to the older man on the train? lol. such a random convo us 3 had about “killa milla” East NY is no joke man!

  14. Topic #1
    Hi professor,
    My name is Jeong Park.

    Math was all ways botter to me in my life. And I hate thinking mathematically
    It needs too much thinking. When I was elementary school student, it was not troublesome. But when I was high school student I couldn’t study any math no more, because of intimate problem. then I really lost about any mathematically mind. Now I try to fix my problem so, now I just trying to studying from basic math systematically. I Think math and number is kind of communication and I always knew about the number and some formula some time I could not understand English but I can understand Number. This is really interesting.
    Thank you.

    • Jeong,
      I empathize with you concerning your struggles in mathematics.
      Professor Reitz is highly recommended and I hope we both pass this course.


  15. topic 1:1.Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math used to be a nice subject when it was easy. Your basic 2+2= 4 that used to excite me as a kid. But as things got harder math became the subject that I feared the most. Sometimes seeing all the numbers and different expressions makes you feel so lost and confused that you give up. But now I am starting to see that Math is not a horrible subject you just have to take your time with the problems and check your work. So now I am not a fan of math but I don’t despise it either.

  16. Hi, my name is Aileen Alamo, I am responding to Topic #1. I personally do not like Math. Math has always been a difficult subject for me. I find that there are a lot of rules to apply that you must remember and I tend to not enjoy having to go through the process. It has been over 10 yrs since I have taken a math class so that may play a part in my finding it even more difficult now.

    I very much dislike algebra and find it difficult to comprehend the concept. At times during class I think I get what’s going on then attempt to do it on my own at home and become extremely frustrated because I no longer get how to find the answer. Personally if i could I would avoid math classes but I get they are a necessary part of education.

  17. Hello
    My name is Steevenson.
    I choose topic #1 to respond. Math have always been one of my favorite subjects. Somehow I find Math to be an interesting subject. I know sometime it can be confusing with all the rules to remember and to apply each time you solve the problem. What make it interesting is that there are so many way solve one problem and sometime it doesn’t matter how you find the solution if it correct. Unlike other subjects, you have one way to get it right.
    Thank you….

  18. Topic # 1: Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Hi my name is Hyein Jang, you guys could call me Jane. Math was my favorite subject when I was freshman in high school. I took Algebra one and it was so easy to me and fun, but when I took Geometry in my sophomore year suddenly I just hated. I don’t know why, but I feel like Geometry is like math plus English and personality I like using numbers and equation. Right now I love math again because its fun and I like that feeling, when we tried to solve the problems, but sometimes it makes complicate and then gives us headache, I love that feeling maybe I’m weird, but that’s the reason why I like math (I’m mean some math) 🙂

  19. Hey,
    My name is Felicia…. I choose topic one. I will be very clear math was never my best subject or my favorite subject. However, I didn’t hate math either. Ha Ha ! Math made me learn how to figure out other aspects of other subjects like science. So, you see in the long run I might not like the fact that I have to take math classes, but I do need math and it has helped me learn math and expand to other subjects and areas…

  20. My name is Wendyann and I chose topic one (1). Math is one course I enjoy even though it is very challenging to me. It is one of the most complex subjects and sometimes becomes extremely rigorous, or even impossible to deal with. It helps to have a down to earth and upbeat professor. One of my weaknesses is lack of confident towards my academics but my aim is to pass this class no matter the challenges I might face.

  21. Alex Angulo
    Topic #1 – Was math ever your favorite subject?

    Math has never been my favorite subject. But I do not consider myself bad in math. I have had good and bad experiences with math classes. I have taken algebra and statistics in another college and for me, statistics was pretty intense and a lot to memorize. Every test in that class, I had a lot of pressure because I needed the credit to graduate. After I finish that class, I realized that I learned different and new stuff. There are some problems and equations really interesting in math and they help you to think and develop another way of seen things, but it is not a subject that I will pick as my favorite because it has a lot of confusions.

  22. My name is Vinnette Samuels and i have always enjoyed Math. Throughout grade school my favorite subject has always been matg. Although math can be challenging at times, it involves rules,steps and formulas to follow in order to arrive at one answer. unlike somr othher subjects where answers may vary due to.differences in opinions.

  23. Hello My name is Jorge Talavera, according to the first question, math was never my favorite subject. When I was in elementary school and high school I was okay on the subject but never liked. see numbers gives me a headache because a number is given a lot of steps and procedure and this make me to miss easy, I think this happens to me because I am a person opposed to the mathematics and I have always enjoyed reading theology, analyzing past of the history and future. in college I always tried not to take math classes but is a requirement and that is why I take it. However, I’m giving my best in this class and I hope to pass this class.

  24. Topic 2

    Hello, I’m Giovanni Mata
    Well for all my life Math has been the only subject in which I don’t feel like understanding nothing. Numbers and equations, formulas and all that seems so difficult to me. I’m a great student in every class, but Math has always been there to make my life miserable. I’m a passionate History lover and sometimes I wish I like math even a tiny little portion of my love for History.
    Is there was a moment in which my perception of math changed.
    I believe it was in my Senior year in High School. I’ve passed every regents with awesome grades all above 75 making my high school diploma regents diploma, however I was missing the second Math regents with over a 75 in which I have previously scored a 70. On the last chance I had to take it I scored a 72 and I didn’t graduated with the Advaced Regents diploma I was hoping to do so. So yeah I pretty much hate math, however I will keep on fighting and although I may never stop hating it, I certainly hope I will learn to deal a little better with this stressful subject.

  25. Hey, my name is Lissette Rojano and i have chosen topic number 1. Math was never my best subject, due to my lack of concentration and those long dreadful hours of learning my times table as a young girl with my grandfather (his old school teaching methods). So i can’t recall the most exciting math memories, however, the older i became it isn’t as difficult as it may seem. In my perspective math is all about following the proper steps and knowing your formulas and so forth. When i was in high school all i heard is that only Indians and Asian people are the smartest in math, and i would go along with it with my peers. But of course now that i think back to those comments, its just a stereotype and not true at all. At, the end of the day it depends on the person and how they handle the challenges they face with math. It’s all about trial and error and not being afraid to try something new. Math is the most important subject to know because we encounter this in our daily lives and in my case, working in a Bank, i’m around numbers all day. So, I am very proud to say i love math because i know i can do it. Anything is obtainable!!!!

  26. Hey, my name is Andrey Fyodorovykh and I’ll be choosing Topic 1.

    Math was my favorite subject once upon a time, back in elementary school until about the 4th grade, mainly because it was just simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division – baby stuff. After 4th grade however, it went downhill from there because I had (and still do) have a really bad habit of overthinking a problem to the point where I completely miss the correct answer. I have, however, been improving in my math skills in recent years. I’ve been helping fellow students with problems in this class, which is something I haven’t been able to do in almost a decade. While I’m still a work under progress when it comes to math, I’m willing to learn and work at it a little more and a little harder!

  27. Hi, Prof Reitz
    I’m responding to topic 1, math was always one of my favorite subjects growing up, I always loved and still do love numbers. How they are arranged, the combination of them, how you can do so much with numbers just fascinating. As a child when going on road trips with my parents I used to write down license plate numbers in a notebook and then try to understand how did they come up with the order of how the numbers were and the combination of numbers used. Then in high school I was placed in an advanced trigonometry, which was difficult due to my over analyzation instead of just realizing the simplicity of angles, sine,cosine and tangents. Now due to my injuries suffered in the Navy and having to realize that my cognitive skills have become impaired I have lowered my expectations in trying learn really complex math and concentrate on the numbers.

  28. The open lab is notably a new system in the math class. This system was so awesome that the most important aspect of it the indirect studying (prep) encouragement it cave me. It made me work on things in the syllabus in such a way that it felt very mandatory due to the time limit. It also enhanced my mastering some formulas on my own during the openlab assignment. The openlab was great because it made ever one work for one reason or the other.

    It must also be heralded that the Math lectures were commendable as well but, that; I would give the kudos to Prof. Jonas Reitz. He is an outstanding professor who puts his whole being to the lecture along with a big smile all through the period.

    Working on my own outside the class with the tutoring staff was another great opportunity for moving forward as I am not math in clan. The tutorial helped me a lot in that I used it as a refreshing class after class as it was more of one – to – one class of its own. It made more confident and put away the numerous questions I would ask Prof. Reitz by email. But I must confess I used some of the office hours with Prof. Reitz.

    The groups work in the class was a great idea for the fact that it opened an avenue for students to interact and learn from one another. I gained from it big time and gained confidence through it as well. The atmosphere was refreshing and it uplifted the students’ confidence and made us feel at home.

    I wish the lecture time were longer than it is, more would have been absorbed and the heads would have compounded more formulas at ease. Despite this so short a period, I know I improved in my math skills.

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