My name is Brandon Munoz and my pronouns are he/him. I was born on June 15 2001 born and raised in Queens New York, I’m still currently living out here. I’m tryna major in radiology, I’m a night time type of person just love to explore, love to play sports. This is my second year of college starting back fall of 2019 but mentally I wasn’t ready for college I still was able to manage pass one of my classes but hopefully the outcome will be  different this time.

I just wanna say my family is the most meaningful thing in my life I’m the middle child. I have a younger brother and an older sister and I’m beyond grateful to have both my parents alive and well. They mean the World to me always been by my side no matter what situation I was caught up, there my motivators, who always told me to keep pushing no matter how hard life got. So yeah I don’t want to say to much but overall My family is what’s important, meaningful and most importantly means the World to me.