Tag Archives: printed book

Assignment 1B

I read a chapter from the book “Networked: The New Social Operating System of Networked Individualism” by Lee Rainie and Barry Wellman. I read the text in print because it is my preferred method of accessing information. Someone who is interested in this book most likely already knows what it will be about based on the title alone. The first chapter starts by sharing a story where social media started and helped to fix a problem. The story itself was realistic enough that it can happen to anyone. That alone drew me in as a reader. The format wasn’t an academic overflow of information. The story stayed relevant to the book’s topic without feeling like it may be a waste of time. As for the text itself, I can tell that it is going to meaningfully adapt whatever information it contains to what happens in our everyday lives. This format is definitely good for the intention of drawing readers in.

Summary of From papyrus to pixels; The future of the book

In the article “From Papyrus to pixels; the future of the book”, The Economist explains that the impacts of new technology on the new production of books and the industry. However, it is positive. It is very easy to download and read it through the electronic platform like kindle, iPad. The purpose of e-book, it can be downloaded, uploaded, copied, pasted as easy as. There are some advantages of e-book. First of all, it is always new. It cannot be destroyed. Nevertheless, a lot of people are still choosing to buy regular books, because it feels that reading print is much better than to reading through the screen. In conclusion, in the future, the technology will affect our lives but it will not destroy printed books.