Assignment 8B

According to Meszaro when it comes to “Questioning Authority” there are many things at play. There’s administrative authority which relating to teachers, whereas, students listen and try to follow their teacher or professors for a great grade. But when it comes to librarians , like children they would rather ask and trust the opinions of their friends than a librarian. This relates to “The New Epistemology” thesis where as there are two types of students the “Dualists” ones who believe the consumption of knowledge solely rest with their instructors and them alone so like children they believe everything there Professors saw and follow the authorities of their teachers. Where on the other hand, there’s the  “Multiplists” who leaners from everything and everyone, that everyone’s knowledge, wise and opinions are tools to expand their own knowledge. College students are believed two be in between the two as where they each have their strengths and weaknesses to the methods. Where libraries and its librarians are just as important to you as professors in helping you obtain the important information needed to succeed in your academic disciples.

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