Assignment #9B

I think Vaidhyanathan is correct when he says, “we trust Google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we trust technology that satisfies our prejudices,” because some people are unaware of how much control we give Google over our information, but we also want certain technological tools that help meet our needs.  I think Google is a powerful tool.  I don’t trust any online entities 100% percent, but Google is one that I trust more than the others.   I trust Google to a point because it always give me what I am looking for, and maybe that is slightly biased but I believe this to be true.   I think Google is the best search engine around and I say this due to my dissatisfaction of using other search engines that I don’t feel delivers results in the way Google does.  If Google were to crash I would be highly upset and worried.  I would be upset because of how I currently feel about it and worried that my information will be available to anyone.

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