Assignment 6B

Martin’s ideas about knowledge and how it is distributed and consumed are far important for him than charging money to whoever wants to read his chapter. It goes against his beliefs and the fundamental that knowledge should available and free of charge to anyone seeking it. His personal views about knowledge and its characterization denounce the way that certain authoritative establishments that control and dictate how knowledge is perceived within different institutions. It underlines the egotistical drives behind research and lays out the impacts of the different results often driven by funds, disciplines, hierarchy and competition. Often the influence of the systems that fund research is so considerable that it clouds the judgment of the researchers implicated. Research is so institutionalized that the few who hold keys to expert knowledge are dismissive of outside groups who could contribute greatly to research causes.
In his search for solutions, Martin suggests different ways of conducting research. He suggests that research could involve the community where no restrictions are permitted, allowing everyone to contribute in their own ways rather following hierarchy and competition. He also proposes independent scholarship where independent researchers like him conduct their own studies and publications, which exemplifies the availability of his chapter online for free.

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