Assignment #2B Reading Response Blog

Corporate interest plays a intricate part in the information we, the people receive on a day to day basis. One example of this is the news that we receive on a daily basis about celebrities and pop culture figures. Due to major corporations trying to protect investments made into these specific people, in the past stars public person were more sheltered by corporations, which we large record companies like Sony music Group or Universal records. But now in the  age of media outlets such as TMZ and media takeout artist and socialites are more vulnerable then ever to be exposed for being the person they truly are instead of the persona cultivated by marketing teams at trier respective record labels. One example of this is Justin Bieber’s various run in with the laws and sketchy acts that he’s done in the past few year. Due to negative social media attentions he’s received, he lost sponsorship’s as well as the squeaky clean image he created for himself, these are things artist from past generations didn’t have to encounter.

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