Assignment #1B Reading Response Blog

Though out my years I’ve always been and avid reader, weather It was reading a newspaper article for me to do a current events paper in the 5th grade or weather I was skimming though one of my favorite hip hop websites to read an album review that was just released. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is the way I perceive digital articles in comparison to articles printed in a newspapers, books, and magazines. Being that many of us millennials have grown up children of the Internet age I personally find more validity in Printed works because of the plight it takes for a piece of written content to make it to print in comparison to digital articles that are published by many websites just in order to keep up with the mayhem of content continuously being flooded onto the Internet. Although I love the honesty that is provided in pieces written on digital platforms, for some reason I put more trust in major Publications because I feel like there are obligated to provide the truth and the people that work for them are some of the best taste makers in their field. Call me insane but in my opinion the digital still hasn’t caught up to Print in my eyes.

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