In order to prevent certain oral health complications such as periodontitis, cavities, and gingivitis, it is essential to follow these self care steps to maintain oral health.


  • The Stillman’s Brushing Method
    Indications for use- For patients with gingivitis; to remove  plaque from above the gum line


  • Modified Bass Brushing Method
  • Indications for use- For patients with periodonitis; to remove plaque from below the gum line


  • Charter’s Brushing Method
  • Indications for use- For patients with orthodontic braces


  • Fones Circular Brushing Method
  •  Indications for use- For children, young patients, patients with poor manual dexterity

Dental professionals do not recommend conventional “scrubbing” method that most patients use because it damages their tooth and gum structure (davisdentalcare).

Toothbrush (Colgate)
Soft-bristled brush
Small-headed brushes
A powered toothbrush is a good alternative for those who have difficulty brushing limited manual dexterity.

Toothpaste (Colgate)
Chose one designed for your concerns such as cavities, gingivitis, tartar, stained teeth and sensitivity. Ask a dentist or dental hygienist for the right toothpaste.

Replace Toothbrush (Colgate)
Every three months, when it looks dingy, or after being sick.

External Links


“Brushing Teeth – Proper Techniques for Brushing Your Teeth.” Article | Sports Safety | Colgate® Oral Care Information Emergencies/Injuries,