Improper tooth brushing techniques can lead to oral health complications because of bacteria builds up on the teeth and it is prone to infection (Iyer). There are several oral health complications cause by poor oral health such as:

Tooth decay

Caries develop when plaque build up.  Caries are holes created due to a destruction on the tooth enamel (Sambrook).

Gum disease or periodontal disease

Infection and inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth. The majority of gum diseases are caused by plaque build up from different types of bacteria.

  1. Gingivitis: Inflammation of the teeth. Most of the gingivitis cases are caused by plaque. It is a reversible problem
  2. Periodontitis: Occurs when gingivitis progresses involving the tissues that joins the teeth and the gums and it is not reversible. Dentist usually monitor patients every 3 months.
  3. Tooth loss: Occurs when periodontitis progresses and it usually happens in adults (Sambrook).


The vast majority of the Americans do not flooss daily, and also one in five do not brush twice daily. Maintaining good oral health it is not just about to avoid cavities or bad breath, the mouth is the main source that contributes to your overall health.

In order for the researchers to prove the cause-effect relationship of the dental neglect leading to serious complications it is needed to use a control group that will put aside completely taking care of their teeth and that could be harmful and also unethical.

From not taking a good care of your teeth it is bad enough that you can get cavities, however there is a bigger concern ahead, there are at least 10 other complications that you may be at risk.

1. Gum diseases – bleeding while brushing or flossing, gingivitis -milder form of gum disease, red, swollen and ready to bleed.

2. Tooth loses -The research has shown that the adults of age 20 to 64 have lost an average of seven (permanent) teeth and 10% of the Americans between 50 and 64 have absolutely no teeth left.

3. Bad breaths It may affect 65 % of the population.

4. Dementia- Studies have shown that there is a link between poor oral health and dementia.The brain of patients with Alzheimers disease has more bacteria associated with gum diseases than those they were relatively healthy.

5. Pneumonia – Inhaling pathogens into your lungs.

6. Kidney disease – People with periodontal disease were more likely to have kidney disease.

7. Heart disease- Periodontal disease caused by pathogen bacteria it is considered to be one of the various reason that leads to a heart disease.

8. Pregnancy complications- Gingivitis affects 60-75 % of pregnant women, and also babies that come from mothers with oral diseases are more likely to develop the same diseases as they grow.

9. Ulcer- The bacteria formed under the gum can start causing ulcer.

10. Cancer- Another reason that poor oral health can lead to a serious complication.


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