Math 1175 – Fall 2013 – Gan­guli

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  • HW #2 - Systems of Linear Equations
  • #13486

    Suman Ganguli

    Here is your 2nd HW as­sign­ment, which will be due Mon­day Sept 30. As be­fore, you can choose to do ei­ther the Web­Work set or the ex­er­cises from the text­book.

    Web­Work (http://​mathww.​citytech.​cuny.​edu/​webwork2/​MAT1175-​Ganguli/): the “Li­nesSys­tems” set

    Sec 3.2: 9-21 odd, 25, 35, 37
    Sec 3.3: 5-11 odd, 15, 19, 23, 27, 29, 35
    Sec 3.4: 5, 17, 23

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