Getting the Word Out About Video Game Violence By Christopher Navarrete

This is a collection of tweets that chunksĀ the main points of my thinkpiece essay titled “Video Games Struggle on Violence.”

Before this rant was created, I had issues writing one tweet due to Twitters 140 character limit. Not only was it because I had never used Twitter before, but because I wanted to write in complete sentences and not useĀ the internetā€™s language. After several hours of trial and error in Microsoft Word, I adapted to Twitters format and pieced together this rant. I then had to decide what tweets would contain the photos and video I created from previous projects.

Unlike my thinkpiece essay, the audience for this Twitter rantĀ includes individuals who either don’t know or have little information as to how video game violence became popular. To connect with my audience, I gave a brief explanation on what the video games I discuss (Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas) are about, and why people considered them to be violent. I included photos on tweets that highlighted these games so that my audience can visually see and understand what made them so controversial.

As for how effective my tweets were, although it did manage to spark some conversation and interesting comments on the topic of video game violence, oneĀ student may have thought I wanted to banĀ video game violence. I believe this came to their mind becauseĀ I wrote my rant in anĀ objective point of view (not saying I was against it).


After reviewing the analytics ofĀ my Twitter rant, I was surprised by the numbers. I expected it to be much lower because I made a Twitter account only for this project. Besides outside activity, there was a good amount of comments and likes from those in our class as well.

Unsurprisingly, the tweet that received the most attention was the tweet that kick-started the rant (1/17) as it has 134 impressions. Overall, my tweets “earned 1.1k impressions over this 20 day period” and about 18 likes total.

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