My philiosophy on Nursing

One of the reasons why I am infatuated by the nursing profession is that there are over hundred varieties of nursing specialties. Nursing is a field where you are constantly learning and must stay up to date with the latest evidence based practice to provide the best patient quality care.

My philosophy is that to truly be a great nurse you must never stop learning and always put your patients needs above everything and everyone elseā€™s. As a nurse I will never forget my role and that is that I am the patientā€™s advocate. Patients trust nurses so we must always speak for our patients even when they cannot speak for themselves. We must never forget to preserve their autonomy, as this is their right.

My personal values and beliefs is to always ā€œtreat others as you would treat yourself.ā€ As a nurse I will try my very best to always treat everyone fairly, treat them with compassion, kindness, respect and dignity. Nurses are healers so I will strive to always approach any encounter with a patient by being empathetic and supportive.

I strongly believe in Jean Watsonā€™s Theory of Human Caring.Ā Watson believed thatĀ holisticĀ health care is central to the practice of caring in nursing. She defines nursing as “a human science of persons and human health-illness experiences that are mediated by professional, personal, scientific, esthetic and ethical human transactions.”

I vow to not only be caring to my patients but to be a caring mentor to the new nurses and teach them that teamwork is very important to maintain, as this will help keep things flowing and create a coherent atmosphere between fellow coworkers. I accept the idea that nurses must stand united with fellow health care providers and never truly forget why they chose this profession.