Classmates EPortfolios’

To start off I do like certain aspects of each and every one of my classmates portfolios. Yet there are certain things I do not like as well. Every person has their own perspective on things and what they like and dislike. This was a difficult process for me to decide which two classmates profile I would write about.

One of my favorites was Jessica Hernandez’s EPortfolio

Jessica’s portfolio is very professional, simple and direct. Her work features not only what she has done in class but her personal work as well. Her page does offer a whole different approach than the “About Me” kind of approach.

Another one of my favorites was from Diana Young

Again like Jessica, Diana’s EPortfolio is very simple yet offers who she is as a person. Her main photo is of hands reaching upwards with different colors. It gives me the idea that Diana is a woman who reaches for her goals through many different approaches with a very unique result everytime.