“Who are the writing tutors at the Writing Center?”

Our tutors are professional writers, English professors, and student advocates. To learn more, check out our tutor profiles. 

“How much does it cost to use the Writing Center?

Our services are free.

“Who is the Writing Center for?

All City Tech students, at any stage in their writing, are welcome at the Writing Center. We can assist in helping you understand the prompt, brainstorming, organization, research, and more. Since the sessions focus on giving you feedback on your writing, rather than editing or writing for you, we ask that you come with your assignment prompt, a current draft or relevant materials, and specific goals you’d like to accomplish during your session. In most cases, we cannot help with written final exams. 

“Do I need to make an appointment to talk with a tutor at the Writing Center?

Online tutoring is currently appointment only.  

“How do I make an appointment?

We use WCOnline to schedule appointments. Go to https://citytech.mywconline.com and register for an account. Once you’ve registered, you log back in and find the tutor and/or time you want, click on the white box, and fill out the Appointment Form. If your tutor is using Zoom, you’ll receive an email shortly before your scheduled appointment with the link. Some of the tutors do use WCOnline’s video chat, so look for the box in your Existing Appointment form (you find that by going back to your appointment and clicking on the blue box) for that link.

 “What should I do if I don’t have or know how to use WCOnline

Check our home page for more detailed instructions.

“Can I request a particular writing tutor?

Yes. When you make an appointment, you have the option to filter for times with a particular tutor.  However, all tutors can help you with any of your writing needs or concerns, regardless of the kind of paper you’re writing or the discipline you’re studying.

Can I sign up for repeating appointments?

You can book one appointment per day, up to two week appointments in a week. Right now, we’re booking one week ahead, but that will probably change.

“What should I do if no appointments are available?

At some points in the semester, the Writing Center’s calendar can fill up quickly. Keep checking back or use the Waiting List function which will be available shortly.

“What should I do if I need to reschedule?

Log into the Schedule, find your appointment time, and click on the blue box. An Existing Appointment form will pop up. At the bottom, there are options to Edit or Cancel.

“How far in advance do I need to cancel my appointment?

We prefer that you cancel at least 2 hours in advance so other students on the waiting list have the opportunity to make an appointment. 

“What happens if I don’t cancel and then don’t show up for my appointment?

You will be entered into the database as a “no-show” for that appointment. If you fail to show up for two appointments, you will not be able to book any more appointments for two weeks. If you cancel any future appointments, you will be required to meet with the Writing Center Director before resuming use of Writing Center services.

“What if I am late to my appointment?

At 10 minutes after the hour when your appointment was supposed to start, you will be entered as a no-show and your tutor may be reassigned. If you’re running late but don’t want your appointment cancelled, please reach out directly to your assigned tutor. We will certainly work with you for whatever time is remaining in your appointment.

 “Can I just send my draft over email and receive feedback?

Yes, but you should still make an appointment before sending a draft, and put in the notes section that you want emailed feedback. We’re in the process of setting up a totally email-tutoring system which should be available this term.

“Can I make face-to-face appointments as well as receive emailed feedback?

Yes, but be aware that each one counts as one appointment, so if you do both, they combine to meet your limit of two sessions over two weeks.  

“What if I need to change something about my submission? What if I attached the wrong file by mistake?

Open your Existing Appointment form and re-submit. Or get in touch with your tutor as soon as you can and let them know what you want to do.

“Who will have access to the material I submit in the Writing Center?

Only you and the Writing Center staff.

“What kind of writing can I bring to the Writing Center?

You can bring any sort of writing — essays, lab reports, observation reports, etc. We give priority to academic work, but we also can provide assistance with application essays, grant proposals, or other writing. If you are working on an honors thesis, master’s thesis, or dissertation, you should plan to schedule multiple visits and focus on parts of the longer project.

“How can I get the most out of my online tutoring session?

One of the most important things you can do is send or bring the assignment sheet itself. That helps us know what your instructor is looking for. You should also know exactly what you want to work on — if you’re confused about the assignment, or want to be sure you made your point clearly, or are unsure about the writing itself. The more specific you are, the better we’ll be able to assist you since we only have 45 minutes for a session. 

How long of a paper can I bring to the writing center?

Any length is welcome, but each session is limited to 45 minutes. Depending on the stage and length of your draft, you may have to make a follow-up appointment to do a complete review.

“What kind of help will I receive from a writing tutor?

Writing Center tutors will discuss your writing assignments with you and share strategies for approaching a topic, organizing a paper, developing your style, or correcting recurring errors. They may also direct you to other resources for further assistance. Writing tutors will not edit or proofread a paper or write any part of your paper for you.

“Will you proofread my essay / paper / dissertation / article?

If you’re asking whether we will go through your draft and mark (and perhaps correct) all of the errors, no, we won’t. We will help you develop the skills you need to be successful at City Tech, including writing, grammar, and proofreading. 

“Is it okay for me to bring take-home exams to the Writing Center?

It depends on the department. Often, the answer is no, but if you have written instructions that say you can bring it to the Writing Center, we’ll be happy to work with you on it.

Will visiting the writing center improve my grade on a writing assignment?

We can’t make any promises, but we hope to improve your writing skills over time.

Will you send a receipt to my professor after my visit?

That’s generally up to you. If you are an undergraduate who is working on an assignment for a course and your instructor needs to know you’ve visited the Center, we can certainly send a conference summary email to your instructor.  

How can I contact the writing center?” 

Please email us at citytechwritingcenter@gmail.com.