The start of the journey

I remember there was a time when I would go to a steak house and order a steak because my father would. I never really knew much about steak, so i would always be confused when the server would ask for the temperature of the steak. Since my father always said well done I would do the same. It was not until i watched a video of Gordon Ramsay in an interview. The interviewer gave Ramsay a photo showing a well done steak that a customer had a complaint about in one of Ramsay’s restaurant. Gordon them brilliantly defends himself by stating that if there was a problem with the food why wasn’t it brought up at that time, and explaining that ” whatever quality of beef it is, it has gone past any form of taste when you cook it well done.”

The next time I went to a steakhouse I did what i had to do and ordered my steak Medium rare. There are no words to describe what i was missing my entire life. The red juices put me off for a while but the taste was well worth it. That was it. I was hooked for life. From that moment on i knew i had to let world experience what i had just experienced then, but the world was too big and would have taken a long time to achieve, I settled to starting with New York. Now starts the journey to learn all that the world has to offer in grilling and cooking steak, and not just steak but all kinds of meat and fish. I will be studying the grilling and cooking techniques of the world and try to broadcast them to you.