Journal #6 – Another Day at NYPIRG


Today marked another day of my internship at NYPIRG, providing me with a deeper insight into the multifaceted aspects of non-profit advocacy and the world of graphic design.

I arrived at the office at 1 pm, and as usual, our team gathered for a briefing to discuss our tasks for the day. It’s become a routine that I eagerly anticipate, as it sets the tone for our day and aligns our efforts towards NYPIRG’s goals.

My project coordinator informed me that our primary task for the day was to call individuals and inform them about an upcoming event focused on the city’s annual budgeting process. The objective was to extend an invitation and encourage their participation. This role may not be directly related to graphic design, but it plays a significant part in NYPIRG’s mission of community engagement and advocacy.

Over the course of four hours, I diligently dialed through an extensive list of contacts, sharing information about the event and its relevance to our community. It was a chance for me to contribute to the organization’s mission, even if not in a design-related capacity. I learned the importance of effective communication and how grassroots efforts play a vital role in achieving NYPIRG’s objectives.

As it approached 6 pm, our team decided to wrap up the day’s activities. During this time, another intern and I expressed our desire to gain more design-related experiences to enhance our portfolios. We approached our project coordinator with this request, acknowledging that it might not be a straightforward task given the current workload.

Our project coordinator was understanding and mentioned that he would explore the possibilities of integrating design tasks into our roles, although the prospects seemed uncertain. This interaction emphasized the challenges of balancing non-design responsibilities while striving to enrich our skills in our chosen field.

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